
Speccy Port

289 bytes added, 13:12, 19 April 2011
/* Colours & Colour Clash */
Possible resolutions on Spectrum:
* Remove colour from the display so that background and sprites use the same colours, clash is eliminated.
* Move sprites in cell based movements. The colours still take priority but the clash is less of a problem.
* Add a black border around the sprites. Clash occurs, but because of the border it is not seen.
Consequences for porting to CPC:
* If colour priority, colour clash exists: CPC version has the colour clash simulated which is unnecessary.* If 2 colours are used and colour clash eliminated: CPC version lacks colour, same as Spectrum* If cell based movement is done, then CPC version has the same movement whereas it could be pixel perfect on CPC.* If black border is used, CPC has the unnecessary black border.* Because the CPC can't replicate the attribute system in mode 1, this means the mode 1 version has even less colours than the Spectrum version. The CPC version has 4 colours, compared to up to 16 possible colours on the Spectrum.
What they should do for CPC:
* Recolour the graphics appropiately for the CPCin either mode 1 or mode 0.