

127 bytes added, 16:54, 21 January 2011
Despite this they were quite common because in the 80's, the french governement started a program "Plan informatique pour tous" (computering for all plan) which consisted of equipping schools with computers networks.
As a result, a lot of Thomson computers were almost only sold to schools, appart from the few infortunates who got one instead of an Amstrad CPC.
=Range and products=
[[File:MO5 TO7 palette.png]]
'''Resolution : 320x200'''
Quite comparable with the ZX Spectrum palette, it is indeed done with a range of medium and clear tones instead of dark and medium.
Also TO9/TO9+.
The 2nd generation of 8 bit thomson computers got the addition of the 3 video modes of the Amstrad CPC/PLUS, alongside the "heritage" (legacy) 320x200x16 attribute based mode.
But the palette have been upgraded into a 4096 colours 12bit palette, the same as on the unreleased at the time Amstrad PLUS range (and of course the Commodore Amiga... and many other computers and consoles).