

537 bytes added, 15:38, 21 January 2011
/* Impact on French Game companies */
Because a french computer, french games producers ported many of their games on those computers.
Thomson computers were know to have been used in some "cross developpment developpments" for Amstrad CPC games.
*Le 5ème Axe As later MO6/TO8 models did include Video mode similar to Amstrad CPC's ones, in addition to a 16 colours character attributed mode (french namelike on MSX1 or Spectrum...more like the MSX1 though...) from Loriciels, was originally and a MO5 game4096 colour palette.
Also those later models included more RAM than Amstrad's 8 bit computers.
Latter TO8 models did include Video mode similar to Amstrad CPC's ones, inb addition to But those computers were lacking a 16 colours character attributed mode (like on MSX1 or Spectrum..decent sound chip as it was shipped with only a beeper.Thomson said more like the MSX1 though...) and a 4096 colour palettedecent sound system would be included into cartridge, but they would never be available.
Also those latter models included more RAM than Amstrad's 8 bit computersEven the AY seems like a Sid in comparison.
But those computers were lacking a decent sound chip : Even the AY seems like a sifd in comparison.And the almost only market was France(perhaps a few sold in Italia), where Amstrad litteraly raped Thomson's market shares in their homeland.
The fact was that the Amstrad CPC was more well rounded machine, far cheaper and had a fully compatible range while MO6 wasn'''t even compatible with TO8 (nor MO5 with TO7). Also the CPC getting CP/M compatibility was a definitive edge. =Exemples of games co-developped on Thomson and CPC :'''=
*Bivouac (TO8)
*Iznogoud (TO8)
*Sapiens (MO5/TO7): originally an MO5 game. *Le 5ème Axe (french name) from Loriciels, was originally a MO5 game. *Captain Blood : the TO8 version is exactly the same as the CPC version, minus the sounds.
=Palette and Video Modes=