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[[Image:Inside GX4000 cart 1.jpg|frame|right|ACID protection chip within a cartridge (bottom)]]
** '''WANTED:''' Best also showing one or more of the A0-A7 signals.
Image:ACID Init by Grim.png|/RESET, CLK, CCLR, SIN (init sequence)
Image:ACID-SIN.jpg|CLK and SIN
Image:ACID-CCLR.png|CLK and CCLR (and some offtopic signals) (from CPC, without ACID connected)
== Pinout ==
GND |1 16| +5V AMSTRAD 40908
GND |8 9| A0
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*http://amstradcpc.mforos.com/305097/7723493-que-hace-exactamente-el-chip-acid-de-los-cartuchos/ (Spanish language)
*[http://www.vieuzordiland.fr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23&Itemid=34 Vieuxzordiland's page on the matter. In French]
*[http://cpcwiki.eu/forum/index.php/topic,410.0.html| The CPCwiki's forum thread featuring the Epic fight between the infamous ACID and NoCa$h.]