

547 bytes removed, 18:19, 24 October 2010
Please keep comments in the Talk page
This is probably the best port amongst 8 bit computers, always refered as by Amstrad CPC fans in the "8 bit war" when C64 users claim it as a lame machine.
Even the [[Commodore 64|C64]] port was and [[MSX]] ports were inferior compared to the CPC version. Note: The MSX version is a very respectable, modest port of Contra. It is NOT called Gryzor, it's actually CONTRA. So one can't compare that one to the CPC version. Second, this wiki doesn't need excessive amount of expressive and perceptive statements made by CPC fanboys. In other words, it doesn't need things like "Epic Fail" and "sweet CPC version". Whoever wrote that the MSX version of Contra is epic fail obviously uses little brains and instead flaunts his fanboy love for CPC. On a related note, what does have to say about the ZX Spectrum version? 
== Game map ==