
Amstrad/Schneider Printer Control Codes

581 bytes added, 22:27, 8 September 2010
== NLQ401 Control Codes ==
The [[NLQ401]] supports a fraction of the Epson control code set, plus some NLQ401-specific, non-Epson codes. The missing Epson codes include both newer codes, as well as older ones (like custom TAB channels, which are supported even by very old Epsons from 1981).
Caution: The NLQ401 firmware strips Bit7 of all incoming characters, so one is restricted to use 7bit codes, even if one does own an [[8bit Printer Ports|8bit Printer Port]]. Accordingly, only 7-pin graphics can be used, and some numeric parameters cannot be set to values with bit7=1.
== DMP2xxx/3xxx Printer Codes (sorted by number) ==