
Dobbertin Memory Expansion

663 bytes added, 16:59, 29 August 2006
[[Image:Dobbertin.gif|thumb|Dobbertin Logo]]

A memory expansion by the German company [[Dobbertin]].

The Dobbertin memory expansions are compatible to the memory expansions by [[dk'tronics]].
The memory expansion came in two versions.
A version with only the memory expansion, and a version with two sockets for additional rom software.

== Technical Specifications ==

== Software ==

Dobbertin supplied [[RDOS]] as a optional ROM to use the memory expansion.

== Other memory expansions ==

[[dk'tronics 64Kb]]

[[dk'tronics 128Kb]]

[[dk'tronics 256Kb]]


Non compatible to the Dobbertin expansion:

[[Vortex SP 64 - SP 512]]

== Photos ==