

2,402 bytes added, 01:36, 28 August 2006
/* Protection? */
So I hope to clear some things here. Greets to all CPC users.
* ''The actual version (system .8) is 3 months old.''
: The OS is 16years old, not the actual still unfinshed version. In any case this ad-phrase doesn't belong into a Wiki article. Please see other articles.
* ''the length of a file is only limited by the space on disc or harddisc (that means 5 MB for the Dobbertin HD20). Look at routines TEILA/TEILB and TEISI/TEISK. I told that before.''
: Bizarre routines. Do you really think, that someone will use it? And what can I do if I want to access the last part of a 4MB file? You even dont use it by yourself in this "filmaker" (or how it is called), as you split the file into 16k ones. Strange.
* ''there is memory management (for example use EFER).''
: Not mentioned. Will you describe it in the "future", too? And please do some improvements on your label naming, believe me, it's very embarrassing.
* ''may be that nearly all serious CPC software is written in Z80 assember, so where is the problem???''
: Advertisement.
* ''the OS needs only RAM from &A000 to &BFFF. That are 8 KB not 48 KB. Read again. More RAM is only used when DIRectorys have to be buffered. Normally maximal 16 KB more.''
: No comment. I read and experienced something completely different. Read your own manual or rewrite your OS.
* ''There is support for 7 Bit and 8 Bit printer output (CPC old genereation or CPC-Plus, which use different ways to print 8 Bit characters).''
: Yes, and no printer support. Big difference.
* ''Serial interfaces support will be documented after XzentriX 2006, as I wrote before.''
: Great.
* ''The Desktop can be called as a subroutine, mouses can be used that way. But thank your for the hint, I will provide mouse-support as own routine in the next update.
: Great.
* Further see H_JC which enables you to use joysticks and all joystick-compatible medias (also mouses and trackballs).''
: Keyboard support as usual. I spoke about the mouses, you mentioned.
''Your second mail was censored, because in the FutureOS-ML is no place for defamations. I explained you that in detail in the mail I sent you some days ago.''
: Didn't receive it. If you call questions and facts "defamations" it's not my problem. Unbelieveable behaviour. Good, that you can't censore something here.
''So I hope to clear some things here.''
: Not really
''Greets to all CPC users.''
: Greets to all, who are able to create a CPCWiki account.