

43 bytes added, 13:40, 25 February 2010
/* The Cure */
[[File:Level2 plus.bmp|800px]]
''Level recoloured and redesigned in CPC standards by MacDeath.''
''Level recoloured and redesigned in CPC standards by MacDeath.'' How it should /coul/would have been... level 2 again.
Some often argue that a good Amstrad Version would be in Mode0.
Why not too, but Mode 1 could have been better used too and get fine detailed graphics, and have the merit to actually exist.
Why not too, but Mode 1 could have been better used too (if Programer got more time) and get fine detailed graphics, and have the merit to actually exist. [[File:Carnivac games-r type-mode0.png]] Mode0 R-type mock-up, courtesy of Carnivac Games.
== Game map ==