
Aleste 520EX

677 bytes added, 10:08, 4 February 2010
/* Technical */
|#7FXX||%0xxxxx11 xxxxxxxx||Mapper page 3 (note 1)||Read||Write
|#7CXX7FXX||%0xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx||Multiport Aleste "Gate Array" (note 3)]||-||Write
|#BCXX||%x0xxxx00 xxxxxxxx||6845 [[CRTC]] Index|| - ||Write
1.Mapper bits Bits 7 and 6 of the data must be 1 for the Mapper write.mapper
2.Printer data-bits are connected to AY I/O port B. Printer strobe is connected to 8255 port C bit 4. The strobe is negated by the hardware.Printer busy is connected to 8255 port B bit 6.
3. Multiport Aleste "Gate Array" is similar in functionality to the Gate-Array in cpcthe CPC/Plus.
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|''bit 7''||''bit 6''||Action
5. Pen index:{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}|''bit''||Action|-|7||0|-|6||0|-|5||not used|-|4||If bit 3 is setto 1, border is selected. Otherwise bits |-|3..0 define the pen ||Pen index.|}
6. The number is converted by IC D62. When MAPPER is set in EXTPORT, then the numbers effectively define R,G,B with 2 bits per element, but the rom then changes the order of the bits before it gets to the hardware.When MAPPER is not set, the number is equivalent to the CPC's Gate-Array colour value, but this is looked up in IC D62 and converted into a 2-bit per element R,G,B for the aleste video hardware.
7. bit 0* When MAPPER is set in EXTPORT,1 then the numbers effectively define a R,G,B colour with 2 bits per element, but the moderom then changes the order of the bits before it gets to the hardware. The actual resolution * When MAPPER is then dependant on not set, the number is equivalent to the CPC's Gate-Array colour value, but this is looked up in IC D62 and converted into a 2-bit 1 of EXTPORTper element R,G,B for the aleste video hardware.
87. {|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}|''bit 2 is the ''||Action|-|7||0|-|6||1|-|5||CAPS LED|-|4||RUS LED|-|3||Upper rom enable/disable for the lower |-|2||Lower rom. bit 3 is the enable/disable for the upper rom|-|1. bit 4 defines the RUS led. bit 5 defines the CAPS led.0||Mode|}
9bit 0,1 define the mode. The number actual resolution is looked up in IC and converted into another number which then dependant on bit 1 of EXTPORT.When HIGHTX is the 16K page index in the 0, CPC modes are chosen. When HIGHTX is 1, Aleste's internal 64k ROMmodes are chosen.
109. bit 2 = enable/disable MAPMOD (changes how colour The number is decoded looked up in D62 and how mapper values are decoded), bit 3 = force video to black, bit 4 = Enable 8253 timerconverted into another number which is the 16K page index in the Aleste's internal 64k ROM. Any I/O write then accesses 8253 with data comming from 8255 port A 10. Bit A0/A1 of I/O port defines 8253 register,  {|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}|''bit ''||Action|-|7||not used|-|6||not used|-|5 = ||if 0, then AY is accessed when read/write to 8255 port A, if 1 then real-time clock is accessed with read/write to 8255 port A. When real-time clock is selected, bits 3..0 of PPI port C are used to define real-time clock operation. DS bit 2, AS bit 1, R/W bit 0. So combinations are 2, write address, 4 write data, 5 read data.|-|4||Enable 8253 timer. Any I/O write then accesses 8253 with data comming from 8255 port A. Bit A0/A1 of I/O port defines 8253 register|-|3||force video to black|-|2||enable/disable MAPMOD (changes how colour is decoded and how mapper values are decoded),|-|1||Enables high resolution in X. Also changes some clock frequences. Controls decoding of video address.|-|0||Not fully understood yet. Controls decoding of video address|}
== Keyboard ==