

312 bytes added, 18:25, 17 August 2006
:Hi BSC (funny to see your login harking back to Betasoft Cologne!). I'd agree absolutely that it's really good to highlight all of a particular person's roles. As another example, some people might not realise that though Anti-Multiface is credited to "Merlin J. Bond of Magicsoft", that's another name for Serge Querne aka Longshot. But I think it's better to keep them on one page - so Andreas Stroiczek would have the same page for his demos and for his Digiblaster work. You can do this easily using the "|" character in a link, like this: [[Face Hugger|Andreas Stroiczek]] or [[Face Hugger]]. --ChaRleyTroniC (aka [[ChaRleyTroniC|Richard Fairhurst]] ;) )
::Don't forget that you can also do redirects for the Person's name (e.g. in the article of "Andreas Stroiczek" you would do a forward with "# redirect [{Face Hugger]]). You then can have all the informations about that persons on one page. --[[User:|]] 20:25, 17 August 2006 (CEST)
Anonymous user