N/A Status 1 (none, SP0256.Pin8 is not connected) ;SBY Pin, Standby bit7 status Status 2 (10=busyReady to Receive Data, 01=ready/data requestBusy) (probably ;LRQ or maybe SBY)Pin, Load Request bit6-0 unknown/unusedNot used (garbage, probably usually high-z)
bit7-6 unknown/unused Reserved (maybe SPED related?must be zero) bit5-0 allophone Allophone number
* [[SP0256]]
* [[SP0256 Pin-Outs]]
The clock frequency (passed to the speech chip) interface does NOT contain an oscillator, instead, it is variable probably driven by the 4MHz signal on the expansion port (can be changedvia |SPED command?), . Thus producing shorter sounds with higher pitch as when using the exact frequency values are unknown?recommended 3.12MHz oscillator.
Note: The I|SPED command inserts a crude software-delay between the separate allophones (ie. it is NOT a hardware-feature that changes OSC1/O port/bits used to change the OSC2 clock frequency is unknown (?speed or so) Note: Changing the clock frequency allows to change the intonation.
== Supported Games ==