

1,471 bytes added, 01:29, 15 October 2009
This is a list of platform games for CPC computers. See also: [[:Category:Games|List of all CPC games]]
 Platform games are "Mario-like" action games. Can be called "'''Platformers'''". (?) They must include multiple platform with a mean to go from one to one. You don't have to actually "Jump"... "Batman the movie" don't jump, nor "Robocop 1" (almost same engine).Yet Batman can use his bat-cable and Robocop can take the stairs. They often have Horizontal scrolling, yet then can also have Vertical or both scrollings. Traditionnally a platform [[Shoot them Up]] is also sometimes referred as a Run and Gun. Yet some games are in fact both of them indeed. The main difference between a Shoot them Up and a Platform game may come from the act of... shooting ? Not only. "Platformers" often display some kind of Gravity mechanism/simulation and multiple levels screens.  They are "seen from aside"... as 3D is not easy on 8 bit system... Or else you just cannot jump from platform to platforms.  Also such games (platforms) may be mixed with [[Beat them All]] mechanism.  But the best Platformers use elements from shooters and Beat'em up/all...  ==Pure Platform exemples==*[[Jet Set Willy]]*[[Bomb Jack]] series*[[Lode Runner]] : a classical old exemple. ==Platform shooter exemples==*[[Gryzor]]*[[Midnight Resistance]].*[[Black Tiger]] (not the best one...) *[[Robocop 2 ( cartridge )]] is indeed more a platform than a shooter. Yet a clever one. ==Platform Beat'em up exemples==*Dragon-Ninja (Bad Dude Vs...)      [[Category:Games]][[Category:GamesProgramming]]