
ACU March 1985 - Type-ins

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[[|Disk Image]] =Cover Imageimage=[[image:Acu_march_1985_coveracu8503.png]] 
=Boolean operations demonstration=
To run Boolean operations demonstration, type:<br/>
=Electric Eddy=
To run Electric Eddy, type:<br/>
=Electric Fencing=
To run Electric Fencing, type:<br/>
To run Flashman, type:<br/>
=Jeremy Vine's music routine=
To run Jeremy Vine's music routine, type:<br/>RUN"MUSIC"<br/>[[image:Acu_Music1.png|192px]] 
=Machine code fill routine and demonstration=
To run Machine code fill routine and demonstration, type:<br/>
=Manipulating the Amstrad CPC464 Screen Display=
The Z80 assembler code for the "Manipulating the Amstrad CPC464 Screen Display" File(s) associated with this article.:<br/>See Amstrad Computer User, March 1985 for more details- SCREEN1.<br/>ASM<br/>Routine 1<pre> ORG &8000 - SCREEN2.start LD HL,XXXX ; address of top left corner of area LD DE,XXXX ; address of store area LD B,8 .loop1 PUSH BC PUSH HL LD B,8 ; number of horizontal lines .loop2 LD A,(HL) LD (DE),A INC DE INC HL DJNZ loop2 POP HL LD BC,&0000 ; add &0800 to screen address ADD HL,BC JR NC,loopend ; jump if total not more than &FFFF LD BC,&3FB0 AND A ; else subtract &3FB0 SBC HL,BC .loopend POP BC DJNZ loop1 RETASM<br/pre>Routine 2<pre> ORG &4000 .pixstr DEFB 0 .start LD HL,&C000 ; Address of top-left corner of screen LD E,&88 ; mask for left-most pixel in byte LD B,200 ; number of pixel lies in screen SCREEN3.loop1 PUSH BC PUSH HL ; save address of first byte on stack LD A,(HL) ; get first screen byte AND E ; mask off all pixels except left-most LD (pixstr),A ; store pixel for later CPL AND (HL) ; blank out pixel LD (HL),A ; update screen RLC (HL) ; rotate screen byte left LD B,79 ; number of bytes in line minus one .loop2 INC HL ; next byte LD A,(HL) AND E ; mask off all pixels except left-most LD D,A ; save pixel for later CPL AND (HL) ; blank out pixel LD (HL),A ; update screen RLC (HL) ; rotate screen byte left LD A,D ; recover pixel .loop3 RRC E ; rotate mask right one bit JR C,out1 ; jump out when mask bit rotates out SRL A ; else shift pixel right JR loop3 ; and repeat .out1 DEC HL ; back to previous byte OR (HL) LD (HL),A ; insert pixel into screen byte INC HL ; restore screen address DJNZ loop2 ; jump back unless finished with line LD A,(pixstr) ; recall stored pixel .loop4 RRC E ; rotate mask right one bit JR C,out2 ; jump out when mask bit rotates out SRL A ; else shift pixel right JR loop4 ; and repeat .out2 OR (HL) LD (HL),A ; insert pixel into screen byte POP HL LD BC,&0800 ADD HL,BC ; next line down JR NC,end ; jump if total not greater than &FFFF AND A LD BC,&3FB0 SBC HL,BC ; else subtract &3FB0 .end POP BC DJNZ loop1 ; jump back unless finished RETASM<br/pre>Routine 3<pre> ORG &4000 .pixstr DEFB 0 .start LD HL,&C04F ; Address of top-left corner of screen LD E,&11 ; mask for left-most pixel in byte LD B,200 ; number of pixel lies in screen SCREEN4.loop1 PUSH BC PUSH HL ; save address of first byte on stack LD A,(HL) ; get first screen byte AND E ; mask off all pixels except left-most LD (pixstr),A ; store pixel for later CPL AND (HL) ; blank out pixel LD (HL),A ; update screen RRC (HL) ; rotate screen byte left LD B,79 ; number of bytes in line minus one .loop2 DEC HL ; next byte LD A,(HL) AND E ; mask off all pixels except left-most LD D,A ; save pixel for later CPL AND (HL) ; blank out pixel LD (HL),A ; update screen RRC (HL) ; rotate screen byte left LD A,D ; recover pixel .loop3 RLC E ; rotate mask right one bit JR C,out1 ; jump out when mask bit rotates out SLA A ; else shift pixel right JR loop3 ; and repeat .out1 INC HL ; back to previous byte OR (HL) LD (HL),A ; insert pixel into screen byte DEC HL ; restore screen address DJNZ loop2 ; jump back unless finished with line LD A,(pixstr) ; recall stored pixel .loop4 RLC E ; rotate mask right one bit JR C,out2 ; jump out when mask bit rotates out SLA A ; else shift pixel right JR loop4 ; and repeat .out2 OR (HL) LD (HL),A ; insert pixel into screen byte POP HL LD BC,&0800 ADD HL,BC ; next line down JR NC,end ; jump if total not greater than &FFFF AND A LD BC,&3FB0 SBC HL,BC ; else subtract &3FB0 .end POP BC DJNZ loop1 ; jump back unless finished RETASM<br/pre>Routine 4<pre> ORG &4000 - SCREEN5.start LD HL,&C000 ; top left corner of screen address LD B,200 ; number of pixel lines .loop1 PUSH BC PUSH HL ; save line start address on stack XOR A ; zero accumulator and clear carry flag LD B,80 ; number of bytes in line .loop2 RR (HL) ; rotate right, carry to d7, d0 to array INC HL ; next byte DJNZ loop2 ; loop until finished with line POP HL ; recover address of first byte in line RRA ; rotate last bit from carry into A OR (HL) LD (HL),A ; insert pixel into first byte LD BC,&0800 ADD HL,BC ; next pixel line JR NC,end ; jump if total not greater than &FFFF AND A LD BC,&3FB0 SBC HL,BC ; else subtract &3FB0 .end POP BC DJNZ loop1 ; loop unless finished RETASM<br/pre>Routine 5<pre> ORG &4000 .start LD HLSee Amstrad Computer User,&C04F ; top left corner of screen address LD BMarch 1985,200 ; number of pixel lines page 103 for more details.loop1 PUSH BC PUSH HL ; save line start address on stack XOR A ; zero accumulator and clear carry flag LD B,80 ; number of bytes in line .loop2 RL (HL) ; rotate right, carry to d7, d0 to array DEC HL ; next byte DJNZ loop2 ; loop until finished with line POP HL ; recover address of first byte in line RLA ; rotate last bit from carry into A OR (HL) LD (HL),A ; insert pixel into first byte LD BC,&0800 ADD HL,BC ; next pixel line JR NC,end ; jump if total not greater than &FFFF AND A LD BC,&3FB0 SBC HL,BC ; else subtract &3FB0 .end POP BC DJNZ loop1 ; loop unless finished RET</pre> 
=Number Sort routine=
To run Number Sort routine, type:<br/>
=Prime Numbers (1)=
To run Prime Numbers (1), type:<br/>
=Prime Numbers (2)=
To run Prime Numbers (2), type:<br/>
[[image:Acu_Pascal4_1acu8503pascal3.png|192px384px]][[image:Acu_Pascal4_2acu8503pascal4.png|192px384px]] =Screen Dump =File(DMP1s)=The Z80 assembler code for the DMP1 Screen Dump program.associated with this article:<br/>The machine code can be loaded in BASIC using DMPLIST2.BAS and DMPLIST4.BAS- DMPDMP1.ASM<br/>See Amstrad Computer User, March 1985 for more details- DMPEPSON.ASM<prebr/> ORG &8000 .entry EQU $ LD HL,&E9E1 ; Start RELOCATOR LD (&30),HL RST &30 .this EX DE,HL LD HL,rel_table-this ADD HL,DE ; HL has absolute address of rel_table DMPDMP1.loop LD C,(HL)BIN<br/> INC HL LD B,(HL) ; BC has first entry in table LD A,C OR B JR Z,done ; entry was 0000 so exit loop PUSH HL ; stack current table pointer LD H,B LD L,C ADD HL,DE ; make table entry absolute PUSH HL ; and stack this value LD C,(HL) INC HL LD B,(HL) ; get contents pointed to by entry LD H,B LD L,C ADD HL,DE ; make this absolute LD B,H LD C,L POP HL ; retrieve absolute entry value LD (HL),C INC HL LD (HL),B ; store absolute value at this address POP HL ; get address of previous table entry INC HL ; make HL point at next JR loop .done EQU $ ; end of RELOCATOR KL_NEW_FRAME_FLY EQU &BCD7KM_TEST_KEY EQU &BB1ECOPY_key EQU 9CTRL_key EQU 23SHIFT_key EQU 21 .r01 LD HL,tick_block-this ; set-up EVENT LD B,%10000001 LD C,0 DMPEPSON.r02 LD DE,int_routine-this CALL KL_NEW_FRAME_FLY RET .int_routine EQU $ ; this is the interrupt routine PUSH BC PUSH DE PUSH HL PUSH AF LD A,COPY_key CALL KM_TEST_KEY JR Z,return LD A,CTRL_key CALL KM_TEST_KEY JR Z,return .r03 CALL scrndump-this .return POP AF POP HL POP DE POP BC RET .tick_block DEFS 9 .FRED DEFS 7 .scrndump EQU $ GRA_TEST_ABSOLUTE EQU &BBF0MC_PRINT_CHAR EQU &BD2BMC_BUSY_PRINTER EQU &BD2E ; DMP1DUMP.r04 LD IX,FRED-this LD (IX+1),0 ; x coord = 0 LD (IX+2),0 LD (IX+3),&90 ; y coord = 400 LD (IX+4),&01 LD (IX+5),0 ; line count = 0 LD (IX+0),0 ; byte out = 0 .MAIN CALL MC_BUSY_PRINTER JR C,MAIN LD A,&1B CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; ESC LD A,&4B CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; "K" LD A,&02 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,&40 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; &240 .LINE EQU $ LD (IX+0),0 ; byte out = 0 LD (IX+6),0 ; 7-bit count = 0 .BYTE SRA (IX+0) LD E,(IX+1) ; FRED + 1 - 2 = x coord LD D,(IX+2) LD L,(IX+3) ; FRED + 3 - 4 = y coord LD H,(IX+4) CALL GRA_TEST_ABSOLUTE OR A JR Z,NOSET SET 6,(IX+0) ; +0 is byte being built .NOSET INC (IX+6) ; increase bit count LD A,(IX+6) ; and get it CP 7 JR Z,PRINT ; if got 7 bits the print LD L,(IX+3) ; get y coord LD H,(IX+4) DEC HL ; use HL for simple 16 bit maths DEC HL ; move down by 2 (1 pixel) LD (IX+3),L ; then put it back LD (IX+4),H JR BYTE .MID_JMP JR MAIN ; to relative jump more than 128 .PRINT CALL MC_BUSY_PRINTER JR C,PRINT ; wait until it's free LD A,(IX+0) ; get byte output CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; and print it INC (IX+1) INC (IX+1) ; move x coord on by 2 JR NZ,NOHIGH INC (IX+2) ; handle high byte if necessary .NOHIGH LD A,(IX+1) SUB &82 JR NZ,RESETY LD A,(IX+2) CP 2 JR Z,ENDLIN ; x coord = &282 .RESETY LD L,(IX+3) LD H,(IX+4) LD DE,&000C ADD HL,DE LD (IX+3),L ; increase y coord by 12 LD (IX+4),H JR LINE .ENDLIN INC (IX+5) ; increment line count LD A,&0A ; Line Feed CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,&0D ; Carriage Return CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,SHIFT_key CALL KM_TEST_KEY ; check id SHIFT is pressed JR NZ,BYE LD (IX+1),0 ; set x coord to zero LD (IX+2),0 LD A,(IX+5) ; get line count CP &22 JR NZ,MID_JMP ; have we got 34 lines (7 high) .BYE EQU $ LD A,15 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,13 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR RET .rel_table EQU $ DEFW r01-this+1 DEFW r02-this+1 DEFW r03-this+1 DEFW r04-this+2 ; address in IX operator is 3 and 4 DEFW 0BIN<br/pre=Screen Dump (Epson)=The Z80 assembler code for the Epson Screen Dump program- DMPLIST2.BAS<br/>The machine code can be loaded in BASIC using DMPLIST2.BAS and - DMPLIST4.BAS.<br/>See Amstrad Computer User, March 1985 for more details.<pre> ORG &8000 .entry EQU $ LD HL,&E9E1 ; Start RELOCATOR LD (&30),HL RST &30 .this EX DE,HL LD HL,rel_table-this ADD HL,DE ; HL has absolute address of rel_table .loop LD C,(HL) INC HL LD B,(HL) ; BC has first entry in table LD A,C OR B JR Z,done ; entry was 0000 so exit loop PUSH HL ; stack current table pointer LD H,B LD L,C ADD HL,DE ; make table entry absolute PUSH HL ; and stack this value LD C,(HL) INC HL LD B,(HL) ; get contents pointed to by entry LD H,B LD L,C ADD HL,DE ; make this absolute LD B,H LD C,L POP HL ; retrieve absolute entry value LD (HL),C INC HL LD (HL),B ; store absolute value at this address POP HL ; get address of previous table entry INC HL ; make HL point at next JR loop .done EQU $ ; end of RELOCATOR KL_NEW_FRAME_FLY EQU &BCD7KM_TEST_KEY EQU &BB1ECOPY_key EQU 9CTRL_key EQU 23SHIFT_key EQU 21 .r01 LD HL,tick_block-this ; set-up EVENT LD B,%10000001 LD C,0 .r02 LD DE,int_routine-this CALL KL_NEW_FRAME_FLY RET .int_routine EQU $ ; this is the interrupt routine PUSH BC PUSH DE PUSH HL PUSH AF LD A,COPY_key CALL KM_TEST_KEY JR Z,return LD A,CTRL_key CALL KM_TEST_KEY JR Z,return .r03 CALL scrndump-this .return POP AF POP HL POP DE POP BC RET .tick_block DEFS 9 .FRED DEFS 7 .scrndump EQU $ GRA_TEST_ABSOLUTE EQU &BBF0MC_PRINT_CHAR EQU &BD2BMC_BUSY_PRINTER EQU &BD2E ; EPSONDUMP.r04 LD IX,FRED-this LD (IX+1),0 ; x coord = 0 LD (IX+2),0 LD (IX+3),&page 90 ; y coord = 400 LD (IX+4),&01 LD (IX+5),0 ; line count = 0 LD (IX+0),0 ; byte out = 0  LD A,&1B CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,&41 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,&06 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR .MAIN CALL MC_BUSY_PRINTER JR C,MAIN LD A,&1B CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; ESC LD A,&4B CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; "K" LD A,&40 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,&02 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; &240 .LINE EQU $ LD (IX+0),0 ; byte out = 0 LD (IX+6),0 ; 7-bit count = 0 .BYTE SLA (IX+0) LD E,(IX+1) ; FRED + 1 - 2 = x coord LD D,(IX+2) LD L,(IX+3) ; FRED + 3 - 4 = y coord LD H,(IX+4) CALL GRA_TEST_ABSOLUTE OR A JR Z,NOSET SET 0,(IX+0) ; +0 is byte being built .NOSET INC (IX+6) ; increase bit count LD A,(IX+6) ; and get it CP 7 JR Z,PRINT ; if got 7 bits the print LD L,(IX+3) ; get y coord LD H,(IX+4) DEC HL ; use HL for simple 16 bit maths DEC HL ; move down by 2 (1 pixel) LD (IX+3),L ; then put it back LD (IX+4),H JR BYTE .MID_JMP JR MAIN ; to relative jump more than 128 details.PRINT CALL MC_BUSY_PRINTER JR C,PRINT ; wait until it's free LD A,(IX+0) ; get byte output CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR ; and print it INC (IX+1) INC (IX+1) ; move x coord on by 2 JR NZ,NOHIGH INC (IX+2) ; handle high byte if necessary .NOHIGH LD A,(IX+1) SUB &82 JR NZ,RESETY LD A,(IX+2) CP 2 JR Z,ENDLIN ; x coord = &282 .RESETY LD L,(IX+3) LD H,(IX+4) LD DE,&000C ADD HL,DE LD (IX+3),L ; increase y coord by 12 LD (IX+4),H JR LINE .ENDLIN INC (IX+5) ; increment line count LD A,&0A ; Line Feed CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,&0D ; Carriage Return CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,SHIFT_key CALL KM_TEST_KEY ; check id SHIFT is pressed JR NZ,BYE LD (IX+1),0 ; set x coord to zero LD (IX+2),0 LD A,(IX+5) ; get line count CP &22 JR NZ,MID_JMP ; have we got 34 lines (7 high) .BYE EQU $ LD A,15 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR LD A,13 CALL MC_PRINT_CHAR RET .rel_table EQU $ DEFW r01-this+1 DEFW r02-this+1 DEFW r03-this+1 DEFW r04-this+2 ; address in IX operator is 3 and 4 DEFW 0</pre> 
=Sum Numbers=
To run Sum Numbers, type:<br/>RUN"PASCAL5"<br/>[[image:Acu_Pascal5_1.png|192px]][[image:Acu_Pascal5_2.png|192px]] 
To run Trench, type:<br/>
<gallery widths="192px" perrow="2">[[image:Acu_Trench1acu8503trench1.png|384px]][[image:Acu_Trench2acu8503trench2.png|384px]]<br/><br/>[[image:Acu_Trench3acu8503trench3.png|384px]][[image:Acu_Trench4acu8503trench4.png|384px]]<br/><br/>[[image:Acu_Trench5acu8503trench5.png|384px]][[image:Acu_Trench6acu8503trench6.png|384px]]<br/><br/>[[image:Acu_Trench7acu8503trench7.png</gallery>|384px]]
The Z80 assembler code for David Link'File(s Unerase program) associated with this article:<br/>- UNERASE.ASM<br/>See Amstrad Computer User, March 1985 for more details.<pre> ; Unerase a file in CPAugust/M - 04/11/84 ; Copyright David Link September 1984  ; A program to unerase a file that has been accidentally ; erased. Should be used immediately after erasing the ; file since if user later, some blocks may have been re-used.  ; Format is - UNERA filename DEFCB EQU &5C fnamelen EQU 8extlen EQU 3extent EQU 12dirlen EQU 32  ; CP/M BDOS call numbers OPEN EQU 15CLOSE EQU 16SEARCH EQU 17SRCH_AGAIN EQU 18MAKE EQU 22SETDMA EQU 26  ; Default workspace page 40 for file reads tbuff EQU 128  ; Macro to call CP/M setting DE and C DOS MAC LD DE,=0 LD C,=1 CALL Dos ENDM  ; Macro to call CP/M setting C. SDOS MAC LD C,=0 CALL Dos ENDM  ; COM files begin at &100  ORG &100  LD SP,(6) ; set stack to top of TPA DOS DEFCB,SEARCH ; Does file exist? INC A JP NZ,0 ; File exists, return to CCP LD HL,FCBSPACE ; Initialise pointer to current FCB LD (FCBPTR),HL DOS tbuff,SETDMA ; set disc I/O to tbuff DOS DUMFCB,SEARCH ; and search for the first entry in directory More_Search INC A JR Z,End_of_Directory ; No more entries  ; Compare found filename with the required filename Continue DEC A ; adjust because we INCed it ADD A,A ; multiply by dirlen to get postion ADD A,A ; of entry in catalogue ADD A,A ADD A,A ADD A,A LD D,0 LD E,A LD HL,tbuff ; point to found file ADD HL,DE Again PUSH HL ; and compare it with required filename INC HL LD B,fnamelen+extlen ; both name and type (8, name : 3, type) LD DE,DEFCB+1 ; filename starts at FCB + 1 Match LD A,(DE) LD C,(HL) RES 7,C ; some CP/Ms set bits on filename CP C ; so make sure top bit is reset for comparison INC HL INC DE JR NZ,NoMatch ; not this one DJNZ Match ; good so fardetails... keep going  ; Match found  POP HL ; filename match, but... PUSH HL LD A,(HL) ; ... is it erased? CP &E5 ; e% in first byte of directory = erased JR NZ,NoMatch ; not erased... so search some more LD (HL),0 ; it was erased, so unerase it LD DE,(FCBPTR) ; and store the FCB information in LD BC,dirlen ; our temporary table LDIR LD (FCBPTR),DE ; updating our table pointer afterwards  ; Search for another entry NoMatch POP HL DOS DUMFCB,SRCH_AGAIN ; search for next entry in directory JR More_Search  ; we have now exhausted the directory search and built ; up our table of directory entries for the required file End_of_Dir LD DE,FCBSPACE ; start processing table of matched ; directory entriesMAIN_LOOP LD HL,(FCBPTR) ; have we reached end of table? OR A SBC HL,DE JP Z,0 ; finished, so return PUSH DE ; save table pointer LD HL,extent ; address extent byte ADD HL,DE LD A,(HL) ; make an extent of new, LD (DEFCB+extent),a ; unerased file... DOS DEFCB,MAKE POP DE ; recover pointer to FCB... SDOS CLOSE ; and close it LD HL,dirlen ADD HL,DE ; have we reached end of table? EX DE,HL JR MAIN_LOOP Dos PUSH HL PUSH DE PUSH BC CALL 5 POP BC POP DE POP HL RET FCBPTR DEFS 2 DUMFCB DEFM "????????????" DEFW 0,0 DEFS 16 DEFW 0,0 FCBSPACE EQU $</pre> 
[[Category:Type Ins]]