

64 bytes added, 15:42, 6 April 2009
Given proper credit to WYZ for his AY player. WYZTracker is only the tracker.
'''CPCRSlib''' is a C library containing routines and functions that allow to the handling of sprites and tile-mapping in Amstrad CPC.
The library is written to be used with [[Z88DK|Z88DK]] compiler. CPCRSlib also incorporates keyboard routines to redefine and to detect keys, as well as general routines to change to the screen mode or the colours.
It can be found an explanation of each function/routine included in the library in []
Last release of the library can be downloaded at: []
[[CPCWYZlib|CPCWYZlib]] is included in the downloadable package of CPCRSlib. CPCWYZlib includes a music player and SFX player coded by the WYZ, which can play music created with [[WYZTracker|WYZTracker]].