12. Appendices
== Review ==
Ian Waugn has written 'Making Music on the Amstrad CPC 464 and 664' for the many owners of these micros like to take advantage of their sophisticated sound facilities, to write musical proqrams.
Ian Waugh is a professionel musician and keen micro enthusiast, who shows you how you can make the Amstrad play music of all kinds including effects like vibraTo, echo, trills polyphonic music and even sound effects like seagulls and ricochets. Did you know excample, that you can turn your Amstrad into a drum synthesiser or rhythm unit using a BASIC program?
All the programs are written in BASIC, and their operation is fully documented, line by line so that newcomers to computing can understand them, while for those new to the concepts of music there is an introduction to the basic theory.
Some of the later chapters cover computer composistions, harmony and transposition.
Here‘s what Educatlonal Computing had to say about 'Making Music on the BBC Computer', one of the authors's previous books:
'This br is areal springboard to the many musical applications of the BBC Micro. It's not quite instant Mozart, but it is the best book on making music on the BBC yet'.
And Your Commodore described Commodore 64 Music by Ian Waugh as:
'A most Instructive and entertaining book... highly commendable and excellent value for the price'
''The Author''
Jan Waugh is a professional musician, whose interest cover must forms of music. He is the author of Making Music on the BBC Computer, and Commodore 64 Music, both of which have been well reviewed in the computer and music press.