
Locomotive BASIC

276 bytes added, 07:49, 28 February 2007
/* Error codes */
* 19 '''RESUMEmissing:''' - End of program has been reached while in error processing mode. Use ON ERROR before RESUME.
* 20 '''UnexpectedRESUME''' - RESUME is only used in error processing mode, ON ERROR GOTO statement must be used first.
* 21'''Direct Command found''' - A line without a line number has found while loading a file.* 22'''Oprand missing''' - An incomplete expression has been found.* 23'''Line too long''' - The line contains to many statements.* 24'''EOF met''' - Trying to input data beyond end of data file.
* 25 '''FILE type error''' - Using a program file instead of a data file to read or write (or vice versa).
* 26 '''NEXT missing''' - The NEXT of a FOR ... NEXT loop is missing.