== Biography ==
Initially going under the pseudonym 'Logon 1' (the name Logon he explained in a scrolltext as "a Belgian idea"), he released a series of single-part demos each of them showcasing a new technique he had learned - or, in many cases, discovered. These included raster bars, overscan, and split modes in the earliest productions. The first demo was coded while he was working at [[http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubisoft Ubi Soft]]'s "castle" headquarters. Though some of these demos seem fairly simple in retrospect, at the time, Serge's demo-coding skill was only equalled by perhaps [[Fefesse]] and [[NWC]].
A stepchange came with the [[Longshot Demo]], the first in which he adopted his new pseudonym. This included hardware splitting and combined more effects on screen at once. [[Revolog]] (or Revolution) followed in a similar vein but was a level more accomplished again. At the same time, Longshot participated in the [[Amazing Demo]] with [[Naminu]] and [[P007]] of [[Malibu Crackers]].