
765 FDC

No change in size, 5 July
The ports used by Amstrad and compatible interfaces use:
* Port FA7Eh &FA7E - Floppy Motor On/Off Flipflop* Port FB7Eh &FB7E - FDC 765 Main Status Register (read only)* Port FB7Fh &FB7F - FDC 765 Data Register (read/write)
The [[Vortex Disc Drives|Vortex disc interface]] uses other ports. See its dedicated wiki page.
== Accessing the FDC 765 ==
The Main Status Register (Port FB7Eh&FB7E) signalizes when the FDC is ready to send/receive the next byte through the Data Register.
The Data Register (Port FB7Fh&FB7F) is used to write Commands and Parameters, to read/write data bytes, and to receive result bytes. These three operations are called Command-, Execution-, and Result-Phase.