* Cartridge emulator, 512K volatile storage based on RAM. Needed to download and play large games like cartridges or DSK images. This is not required if you already have a Play2CPC, but it will probably require a firmware update. The Play2CPC firmware update is done with a cheap JTAG cable. If the board programming is out of your reach, you can always send the board to me (Abalore) or someone near your __cpLocation.
== Roadmap ==
Other board in progress:
* Extra sound channel board. Needed for certain games to have more sound channels. Not required if you already have a Play2CPC or PlayCity board.
== Roadmap ==
The final goal is to put these small four boards together into a MX4 mother board and put an enclosure around to make an "Amsteam Box", with all the required stuff to instantly play all the available Amstrad software from a server.
== Links ==
[https://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/news-events/amsteam-wip-game-streaming-service-for-the-amstrad-cpc/ Associated topic on CPCWiki forum]