

45 bytes added, 12 June
/* Technical information */
Contrarily to the [[PlayCity]], the Play2CPC is not equipped with a Z80 Counter Timer Circuit chip. The Play2CPC use the default configuration of most of the PlayCity programs, like ALCON 2020.
Sound capabilities are also quite different. The Play2CPC is equipped with an OPN3 (ymf288) soundchip. It offers 3 PSG SSG chans, 6 FM 4-op chans and 6 digidrum chans.The PlayCity is equipped with 2 PSG SSG soundchips offering a total of 6 PSG SSG chans, but no FM and no digidrum chans.
So the few PlayCity programs using 9ch AY will be not replayed by the Play2CPC.
=Technical information=
* Port &F988 to : read status 0 or select a page 0 register* Port &F888 : read/write to the selected page 0 register* Port &F984 to : read status 1 or select a page 1 register* Port &F884 : read/write to the selected page 1 register
You can also use The SSG, the CRTC cursor registers to program digidrums and the raster interruption located at &0066first 3 FM chans are accessed on register page 0. The last 3 FM chans are accessed on register page 1.
The OPN3 soundchip is mostly a light version of You can also use the OPNA soundchip with some functionalities removed: no external ADPCM, no Composite Sine Mode and no GPIOCRTC cursor registers to program the raster interruption located at &0066.
FM channel 3 The OPN3 soundchip is special as it can be split into 2x 2-op chans or 4x 1-op chansa light version of the OPNA soundchip with some functionalities removed: no external ADPCM, no Composite Sine Mode and no GPIO.
6 digidrum instruments are included in the internal ROM of the soundchip.