

1,066 bytes added, 20:15, 2 January 2024
/* SYMB Chunk (ACE) */
| 01
| n
| Symbol name (note 1).
| n+1
| 61| Symbol memory map type (note 2).|-| n+2| 1| Symbol memory map bank (note 2).|-| n+3| 1| Symbol memory map page (note 2).|-| n+4| 2
| Reserved for future usage, always 0 for now.
| n+6
| 1
| Symbol type (0: absolute, 1: relative).
| n+7
1. Symbol are (obviously) limited to 255 characters, cannot begin with a number (0-9), and only a limited set of ASCII char is allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _).
2. The map type determines the memory layout for which the symbol is valid. The meaning of the values for map bank and map page depends on the map type value.
Possible values fir map type are:
* 0: Undefined. Map bank and page are ignored (always 0).
* 1: Main RAM. If map bank is 0, then linear main RAM is considered. If map bank is 1, then main RAM from &c000-&ffff mapped as &4000-&7fff is considered. Map page is ignored (always 0).
* 2: Extension RAM. Map bank is the 16K extension bank number (0-3). Map page is the 64K extension page number (0-31).
* 3: Extension ROM. Map bank is the ROM slot id (0-255). Map page is ignored (always 0).
* 4: Firmware ROM. Map bank and page are ignored (always 0).
* 5: Cartridge ROM. Map bank is the 16K ROM bank number (0-31). Map page is ignored (always 0).
* 6: ASIC I/O Page. Map bank and page are ignored (always 0).
== CPC+ Chunk ==