
Converted GX4000 Software

112 bytes added, 05:37, 8 February 2023
/* S */
||[[SAS Combat Simulator]]|| 1988 || Codemasters || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br />J1B1 = Grenades, J1B2 = Pause/Unpause. || [[Media:SAS Combat Simulator.rar | SAS Combat Simulator.rar]]
||[[Satan*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1989 || Dinamic || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br />Access Code for part 2 = 66666666 (Press J2UP)<br />Part 1: J1B2 = Pause, Pause button = quit game<br/>Part 2: J1B2 = Up/down, J2B1 = Teleport, J2B2 = Open inventory, Pause button = quit game || [[Media:Satan.rar | Satan.rar]]
||[[Savage]]|| 1988 || Firebird || No || No || Converted by Phantomz and Urusergi<br />Trainer: J1B1 = Skip cracktro, Level Select: J1UP = Part 1, J1LT = Part 2, J1RT = Part 3, J1DN = Introduction<br/>J1B1 = Start game, J2B1 = Pause (any button to unpause), J2B2 = Quit current game<br/>Part 2 and 3: Enter the password to swap from practice to normal mode. Press the pause button on main screen, then 6 or 7 times depending the part. || [[Media:Savage.rar | Savage.rar]]
||[[Scramble Spirits]]|| 1990 || Grandslam || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Trainer (Infinite lives for both players): J1B1 = Yes, J1B2 = No<br/>CHEAT (Invulnerability for player one only): Press the Console Pause Button on the 'PRESS FIRE TO START' screen. || [[Media:Scramble Spirits.rar | Scramble Spirits.rar]]
||[[Secret Agent Sly Spy*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1990 || Ocean || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Trainer: Select level with J1B1 = 1, J1UP = 2, J1LT = 3, J1RT = 4, J1DN = 5, J2UP = 6, J2LT = 7, J2RT = 8, J2DN = 9<br/> J2UP = Redefine Keys, J2DN = Select Joystick (select it to play using joypad 1). Redefine keys on joypad 2 and pause button to define pause feature. || [[Media:Secret Agent Sly Spy.rar | Secret Agent Sly Spy.rar]]
||[[Sergeant Seymour Robotcop]]|| 1992 || Codemasters || No ||No|| Converted by Urusergi<br/>Pause button = Pause, J2B1 = Quit game || [[Media:Sergeant Seymour Robotcop.rar |Sergeant Seymour Robotcop.rar]]
||[[Shinobi]]|| 1989 || Virgin Games || No || No || Converted by dragon<br/>64k version hence no music (and also no SFX). || [[Media:Shinobi.rar | Shinobi.rar]]
||[[Shockway Rider*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1986 || FTL || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Practice level select: J1B1 = 1, J1B2 = 2, J1UP = 3, J1LT = 4, J1RT = 5, J1DN = 6, J2B1 = 7, J2B2 = 8.<br/>J1B2 = Music/SFX. || [[Media:Shockway Rider.rar | Shockway Rider.rar]]
||[[Short Circuit]]|| 1987 || Ocean || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Pause button = Pause (d-pad = Resume, Pause button = Quit game)<br/>Part 1: J1B1+J1UP/DN/LT/RT = Activate prog, J1B2 = Select prog, J2B1 = Slow/Fast message, J2UP/LT/RT = 1,2,3 (items).<br/>Part 2: J1B1 = Fire, J1B2/J1UP = Jump. || [[Media:Short Circuit.rar | Short Circuit.rar]]
||[[Skate Ball]]|| 1989 || Ubi Soft || No ||No|| Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi<br/>Pause button = (J1B1 = Resume game, J1B2 = change colours, Pause button = Quit game) || [[Media:Skate Ball.rar | Skate Ball.rar]]
||[[Skweek*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1989 || Loriciels || No ||No|| Converted by Urusergi<br/>Pause button = Pause, J2B1 = Suicide, J2B2 = Quit game, J2UP = Music on/off, J2DN = SFX on/off || [[Media:Skweek.rar | Skweek.rar]]
||[[Skywar]]|| 1993 || CPC Infos || Yes || No || Converted by Phantomz || [[Media:Skywar.rar |Skywar.rar]]
||[[Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi]]|| 1989 || Domark|| No || No || Converted by Phantomz || [[Media:Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi.rar | Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi.rar]]
||[[Steve Davis Pool*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1986 || CDS Software LTD || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Use Joypad 2 on main menu. J1B2 = Change original shot instruction before playing it, Pause Button = Quit Game<br/>'Red or Yellow ?': J1B1 = Red, J1B2 = Yellow || [[Media:Steve Davis Pool.rar | Steve Davis Pool.rar]]
||[[Steve Davis Snooker*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1985 || CDS Software LTD || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Use Joypad 2 on main menu, J1B2 = Change original shot instruction before playing it, Pause Button = Retake your last shot.<br/>Play again: J1B1 = Yes, J1B2 = No, J1B1 = skip name entry"<br/>Select colour after you pot a red: J2UP = Yellow, J2LT = Green, J2RT = Brown, J2DN = Blue, J2B1 = Pink, J2B2 = Black || [[Media:Steve Davis Snooker.rar | Steve Davis Snooker.rar]]
||[[Stormbringer]]|| 1987 || Mastertronic|| No || No || Converted by Phantomz || [[Media:Stormbringer - A True Graphic Adventure.rar | Stormbringer - A True Graphic Adventure.rar]]
||[[Subway Vigilante]]|| 1989 || Players Premier || No ||No || Converted by Urusergi<br/>Menu : J1B1 = play using joypad 1 / J2B1 = Play using joypad 2<br/>Pause button = Pause (twice to return to menu) || [[Media:Subway Vigilante.rar | Subway Vigilante.rar]]
||[[Summer Games*]]<sup>(a)</sup>||1988||Epyx|| No ||No||Converted by Phantomz<br /> Pause Button = Skip opening ceremony. Enter names with J2UP = 1, J2LT = 2, J2RT = 3, J2DN = 4, J2B1 = Confirm, J2B2=delete. Direct press J2B1 when you have enough players on name entry. Then J2UP/J2DN change "Is this correct?", J2B1 to confirm. Pause Button = Quit game.||[[Media:Summer Games.rar|Summer Games.rar]]
||[[Summer Games II]]||1989||Epyx|| No ||No||Converted by Phantomz<br /> Pause Button to quit.||[[Media:Summer Games II.rar|Summer Games II.rar]]
||[[Super Hang-On]]|| 1986 || Activision || No || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Pause Button = Pause (J1B1 = Resume game), press J1UP to enter initial on score table || [[Media:Super Hang-On.rar | Super Hang-On.rar]]
||[[Super Monaco GP*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1991 || U.S. Gold || No ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>Cracktro: J1B1 = Choose 64k version for stock GX4000, J1B2 = 128K version.<br/>Menu: Pause button = Redefine keyboard (Redefine controls on joypad 2 if want to play using both buttons), J2UP = Joystick 1, J2DN = Joystick 2<br/>Happy with your controls: J2B1 = Yes, J2B2 = No || [[Media:Super Monaco GP.rar| Super Monaco GP.rar]]
||[[Super Off Road]]|| 1990 || Virgin Games || No ||No|| Converted by Phantomz & dragon<br/>J1B1 = Accelerate, J1B2 = Brake, J1UP = Nitro, Pause button = Pause/Unpause. Press NITRO to skip screens or select options in shop. || [[Media:Super Off Road.rar | Super Off Road.rar]]