

5 bytes added, 13:52, 3 August 2022
/* Introduction */
HDCPM can also utilize the RTC found in the [[SYMBiFACE II]] in order to implement CP/M Plus BIOS function 26: TIME.<br />
HDCPM is compatible with Dobbertin HD20 Harddisc and can be used togetherwith the Dobbertin HD20 Harddisc.<br />
HDCPM has been developed with [[WinApe]] Z80 Assembler and was tested with [[WinApe]], [[CPCemu]], an Amstrad Plus 464 upgraded to 6128 and an Amstrad CPC 6128.<br />
HDCPM is free software. It can be used and distributed with no restrictions.<br />
* Amstrad CPC/Plus computer capable of running CP/M Plus.