
Converted GX4000 Software

3 bytes added, 09:07, 5 December 2020
/* S */
||[[Sabre Wulf]]|| 1985 || Ultimate Play the Game || No || Converted by Phantomz<br />J1B2=Pause/Unpause. || [[Media:Sabre Wulf.rar | Sabre Wulf.rar]]
||[[Salamander]]|| 1988 || Ocean Software || No || Converted by Phantomz<br />Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause the game, any button to Unpause, whilst Paused, press <br/>Press the Console Pause Button to Quit || [[Media:Salamander.rar | Salamander.rar]]
||[[Saracen]]|| 1987 || U.S.Gold ||No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>JB2 = Music on/off<br/>Pause button = Pause/unpause (J1B1=restart/J1B2=quit).<br/>Use joypad to change level on the menu<br/>CHEAT : Infinite lives: J2B1 and J2B2 at once during the game. || [[Media:Saracen.rar | Saracen.rar]]