

526 bytes added, 18:18, 18 February 2018
/* Details */
* TO BE CONFIRMED: VDOS supports other double sided disc formats by programming the XDPB. AMSDOS doesn't allow this.
* When using CAS TEST EOF firmware function and soft end of file is reached the following conditions are return: carry true, zero false, A=&1A this is different to AMSDOS which has the conditions: carry false, zero false, A=&1A
* When using CAS IN OPEN/CAS OUT OPEN VDOS will crop the filename and extension part. i.e. if you use the filename "LONGFILENAME.LONGEXTENSION" it will crop it to "LONGFILE.LON" and attempt to load it. AMSDOS will give a 'Bad command' error.
* VDOS has different error codes compared to AMSDOS.
== VDOS for Vortex Winchester Harddisk ==