

300 bytes added, 17:01, 26 October 2006
/* English */
|[[Machine Code for Beginners on the Amstrad]]||Steve Kramer||Micro Press||1984||0-7447-0025-6
|[[The Amstrad CP/M Plus]]||David Powys-Lybbe and Andrew R.M. Clarke||M.M.L. Systems Ltd.||1986||1-86991-000-1
|[[AMSTRADS and Artificial Intelligence]]||Patrick Hall||Sigma Press||1986||1-85058-038-3
|[[Understanding and Expanding your Amstrad CPC464-664/6128]]||Alan Trevenor||Sigma Press||1986||
|[[Amstrad Advanced Programming Techniques]]||David Lawrence||Sunshine||1985||0-946408-90-4
|[[Making Music on the Amstrad CPC 464 & 664]]||Ian Waugh||Sunshine||1985||0-946408-82-3
|[[Master Machine Code on your Amstrad CPC 464 & 664]]||Jeff Naylor - Diane Rogers||Sunshine||||0-946408-80-7
|[[The working Amstrad - A library of practical subroutines and programs]]||David Lawrence & Simon Lane||Sunshine||1985||0-946408-60-2
|[[The BASIC Idea]]||Richard Forsyth and Brian Morris||||1986||
|[[The Amstrad CP/M Plus]]||David Powys-Lybbe and Andrew R.M. Clarke||M.M.L. Systems Ltd.||1986||1-86991-000-1
|[[The Amstrad programmer's guide]]||Bryan Skinner||||||0-7156-1984-5