Last modified on 2 October 2006, at 16:22


PJA, for Projet Jeux d'Aventures (Project for Adventure Games in English), is an adventure games scenario editor. The editor runs on PC, under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP (don't test under 95...), and allows to create some adventure games on Amstrad CPC.

PJA allows with a minimum of knowledge in programming, to create from A to Z an adventure game. Under the editor, you can :

- Create the map of the game,

- Add some pictures to rooms,

- Add some objects,

- Add some texts,

- Add some sounds and musics (Starkos format or digitized samles),

- Create an introduction page for the game, with picture, music and text,

- Create an end game page, with picture, music and text,

- Configure the "actions" and "commands" usable during the game,

- Test directly the game under PJA,

- Create DSK files with your game

Link to PJA forum download PJA