The FutureOS Release Meeting was organized by TFM of FutureSoft in Munich in 1994. At this meeting the new and revolutionary operating system FutureOS has been released for the Amstrad/Schneider CPC6128 and 6128 Plus computers. The participation at the meeting was free. One could sleep at the meeting place in sleeping bags or hotels near by.
- Brainblaster of Frankenteam
- Dark Sektor
- Doc Bartoc of Bollaware
- Gert Genial of Frankenteam
- Hage of Wizcat
- Kangaroo
- Mr. Ams
- Odiesoft
- Overload
- Schlumpf of Frankenteam
- Siggi of Bollaware
- Steve of Wizcat
- Sync
- TFM of FutureSoft
- Tolkin of FutureSoft
- Villain
Further a lot of members of the SCUG have been visiting the release. And may I've forgotten some... it's long ago.