Last modified on 26 March 2014, at 17:53

NEC PC-6xx1

Revision as of 17:53, 26 March 2014 by MacDeath (Talk | contribs)

(this article is a stub)

NEC PC-6xx1 is a range of Z80-compatible CPU based computers released by NEC in the early 80's.

Range specifications and comparisons

(infos taken from wikipedia)

  • 6001 : no built in mass data storages
  • 6601 : Floppy disk interface and drive

  • CPU : PD 780C-1, seems to be Z80 clone with various clocking, according to video system.
  • Co-CPU : PD8049 : video chip ?

  • According to website, all models seems to be retro compatible and have video modes from previous specifications.


  • Year : 1981
  • CPU clock : 3,9936 MHz
  • RAM :16KB (max 32K)
  • ROM : 16KB Basic, 4KB caratteri
  • Graphics :
    • 128x192x4(/15 colours)
    • 256x192x2(/15 colours)
    • Text mode : 32x16
  • Sound :AY-3-8910
  • Built-in Peripherals :
  • Basic and firmware :N60(Microsoft 16K)

PC-6001 MK2 and PC 6601

  • Year : 1983
  • CPU clock  : 4 MHz
  • RAM : 64KB or 64KB + 1KB (floppy interface)
  • ROM :32KB Basic, 32KB caratteri kanji, 16KB generatore caratteri(modo 4), 16KB sintesi vocale
  • Graphics :
    • 160x200x15 (/15 colours)
    • 320x200x4 (/15 colours)
    • Text mode : 40x20 (40x25?)
  • Sound :AY-3-8910, speech synthetiser (japanese)
  • Built-in Peripherals :6601 : 1 Floppy 1D singolo lato
  • Basic and firmware :N60(16 e 32K RAM), N60 Extended(16 e 32K RAM), N60m (64K RAM)

PC-6001 MK2 SR and PC6601 SR

  • Year : 1984
  • CPU clock  : 3,58 MHz
  • RAM : 64KB or 64KB + 1KB (floppy interface)
  • ROM :32KB N66SR Basic, 32KB N66 Basic, 32KB caratteri kanji, 16KB generatore caratteri(modo 5), 32KB sintesi vocale
  • Graphics :
    • 320x200x15 (/15 colours)
    • 640x200x4 (/15 colours)
    • Text mode : 80x25
  • Sound : FM synthesis, speech synthetiser (japanese)
  • Built-in Peripherals : 6601 SR : 1 Floppy disk 1DD singolo lato, doppia densità
  • Basic and firmware :N60, N60 Extended, N66, N66 SR


Here is a comparison between amstrad CPC palette and PC-6001mk2 supposed palette.

NEC PC6001 palette.png

  • The palette has 15 colours and one transparency channel ink enabling to overly the computer's video over another TV video (as done with MSX1 or Thomson MO5/TO7 computers)
  • This palette is actually available on Amstrad CPC computers, as it features black+grey+white, the 6 basic RGB cube colors : Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and yellow, and cross colours : Orange, Lime, Seagreen, Mauve, Purple, Sky blue (those are CPC palette names)
  • It is quite an exotic and colourfull palette, and it doesn't enable proper gradiants liek most other comparable palettes.

CPC related?

Just check the specs from the PC-6001 MK2 and the PC-6601.

Those are basically Amstrad CPCs with extra sound capability and less video modes and palette.

