Last modified on 24 September 2006, at 06:42


Revision as of 06:42, 24 September 2006 by PulkoMandy (Talk | contribs) (Removed useless links)

Basic text formatting

What it looks like What you type

You can italicize text by putting 2 apostrophes on each side.

3 apostrophes will bold the text.

5 apostrophes will bold & italicize the text.

Note: There's no wiki formatting for 4 apostrophes. '4 apostrophes' will be read as 3, leaving the rest 1 apostrophe on each side.

You can ''italicize text'' by putting 2 
apostrophes on each side. 

3 apostrophes will bold '''the text'''. 

5 apostrophes will bold & italicize 
'''''the text'''''.

Note: There's no wiki formatting for 4 apostrophes. 
''''4 apostrophes'''' will be read as 3, 
leaving the rest 1 apostrophe on each side.

A single newline has no effect on the layout. But an empty line

starts a new paragraph.

A single newline
has no effect
on the layout.
But an empty line

starts a new paragraph.

You can break lines
without a new paragraph.
Please use this sparingly.

You can break lines<br>
without a new paragraph.<br>
Please use this sparingly.

You should "sign" your comments on talk pages:
- Three tildes gives your user name: Karl Wick
- Four tildes give your user name plus date/time: Karl Wick 07:46, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
- Five tildes gives the date/time alone: 07:46, 27 November 2005 (UTC)

You should "sign" your comments 
on talk pages: <br>
- Three tildes gives your user
name: ~~~ <br>
- Four tildes give your user 
name plus date/time: ~~~~ <br>
- Five tildes gives the 
date/time alone: ~~~~~ <br>

You can use HTML tags, too, if you want. Some useful ways to use HTML:

Put text in a typewriter font. The same font is generally used for computer code.

Strike out or underlinetext, or write it in small caps.

Superscripts and subscripts: X2, H2O

Invisible comments to editors ( ) only appear while editing the page. Eg:

If you wish to make comments to the public, you should usually go on the talk page, though.

You can use <b>HTML tags</b>,
too, if you want. Some useful
ways to use HTML:

Put text in a <tt>typewriter
font</tt>. The same font is 
generally used for <code>
computer code</code>.

<strike>Strike out</strike>
or <u>underline</u> text,
or write it <span style=
in small caps</span>.

Superscripts and subscripts:
X<sup>2</sup>, H<sub>2</sub>O

Invisible comments to editors ( <!-- --> ) 
only appear while editing the page. Eg:
<!-- Note to editors: blah blah blah. -->

If you wish to make comments to the public, 
you should usually go on the talk page, though.
More Examples of HTML tags

Do you like coloring this particular word?
Do you like coloring this particular word?

White background is too dull. Change it!
White background is too dull. Change it!

'''More Examples of HTML tags'''
Do you like coloring this 
particular <font color="red">word</font>?<br>
Do you like coloring this 
particular <font color="#33FF66">word</font>?<br>

<span style="background-color: yellow">White 
background is too dull. Change it!</span><br>
<span style="background-color: #FF6633">White 
background is too dull. Change it!</span><br>

For a list of HTML tags that are allowed, see HTML in wikitext. However, you should avoid HTML in favor of Wiki markup whenever possible.

Organizing your writing

What it looks like What you type
Section headings

Headings organize your writing into sections. The Wiki software can automatically generate a table of contents from them.


Using more equals signs creates a subsection.

A smaller subsection

Don't skip levels, like from two to four equals signs.

Start with 2 equals signs not 1 because 1 creates H1 tags which should be reserved for page title.

== Section headings ==

''Headings'' organize your writing into sections.
The Wiki software can automatically generate
a table of contents from them.

=== Subsection ===

Using more equals signs creates a subsection.

==== A smaller subsection ====

Don't skip levels, 
like from two to four equals signs.

Start with 2 equals signs not 1 
because 1 creates H1 tags
which should be reserved for page title.
  • Unordered lists are easy to do:
    • Start every line with a star.
      • More stars indicate a deeper level.
  • A newline
  • in a list

marks the end of the list.

  • Of course you can start again.
* ''Unordered lists'' are easy to do:
** Start every line with a star.
*** More stars indicate a deeper level.
* A newline
* in a list  
marks the end of the list.
* Of course you can start again.
  1. Numbered lists are:
    1. Very organized
    2. Easy to follow

A newline marks the end of the list.

  1. New numbering starts with 1.
# ''Numbered lists'' are also good:
## Very organized
## Easy to follow
A newline marks the end of the list.
# New numbering starts with 1.

Another kind of list is a definition list:

Definition of the word
Here is a longer phrase that needs a definition
Phrase defined
A word 
Which has a definition
Also a second one
And even a third
Another kind of list is a ''definition list'':
; Word : Definition of the word
; Here is a longer phrase that needs a definition
: Phrase defined
; A word : Which has a definition
: Also a second one
: And even a third
  • You can even do mixed lists
    1. and nest them
    2. inside each other
      • or break lines
        in lists.
      definition lists
      can be
      nested too
* You can even do mixed lists
*# and nest them
*# inside each other
*#* or break lines<br>in lists.
*#; definition lists
*#: can be 
*#;; nested too
A colon (:) indents a line or paragraph.

A newline after that starts a new paragraph.
This is often used for discussion on talk pages.

We use 1 colon to indent once.
We use 2 colons to indent twice.
We use 3 colons to indent 3 times, and so on.
: A colon (:) indents a line or paragraph.
A newline after that starts a new paragraph. <br>
This is often used for discussion on talk pages.
: We use 1 colon to indent once.
:: We use 2 colons to indent twice.
::: We use 3 colons to indent 3 times, and so on.

You can make horizontal dividing lines (----) to separate text.

But you should usually use sections instead, so that they go in the table of contents.

You can make horizontal dividing lines (----)
to separate text.
But you should usually use sections instead,
so that they go in the table of contents.
Sometimes you may need to reference or add supplementary notes to your sentences.

We may use the ref or refun tag. Eg:
There are XX numbers of people in the world.<ref>The source is quoted from ...</ref>

Reference: <references/>

Sometimes you may need to reference or add supplementary 
notes to your sentences.
We may use the ref or refun tag. Eg: <br>
There are XX numbers of people in the world.<ref>The 
source is quoted from ...</ref> <br>

Reference: <references/>

Section headings

Headings organize your writing into sections. The Wiki software can automatically generate a table of contents from them.


Using more equals signs creates a subsection.

A smaller subsection

Don't skip levels, like from two to four equals signs.

Start with 2 equals signs not 1 because 1 creates H1 tags which should be reserved for page title. </pre> |- |

  • Unordered lists are easy to do:
    • Start every line with a star.
      • More stars indicate a deeper level.
  • A newline
  • in a list

marks the end of the list.

  • Of course you can start again.
* ''Unordered lists'' are easy to do:
** Start every line with a star.
*** More stars indicate a deeper level.
* A newline
* in a list  
marks the end of the list.
* Of course you can start again.

|- |

  1. Numbered lists are:
    1. Very organized
    2. Easy to follow

A newline marks the end of the list.

  1. New numbering starts with 1.
# ''Numbered lists'' are also good:
## Very organized
## Easy to follow
A newline marks the end of the list.
# New numbering starts with 1.

|- | Another kind of list is a definition list:

Definition of the word
Here is a longer phrase that needs a definition
Phrase defined
A word 
Which has a definition
Also a second one
And even a third
Another kind of list is a ''definition list'':
; Word : Definition of the word
; Here is a longer phrase that needs a definition
: Phrase defined
; A word : Which has a definition
: Also a second one
: And even a third

|- |

  • You can even do mixed lists
    1. and nest them
    2. inside each other
      • or break lines
        in lists.
      definition lists
      can be
      nested too
* You can even do mixed lists
*# and nest them
*# inside each other
*#* or break lines<br>in lists.
*#; definition lists
*#: can be 
*#;; nested too

|- |

A colon (:) indents a line or paragraph.

A newline after that starts a new paragraph.
This is often used for discussion on talk pages.

We use 1 colon to indent once.
We use 2 colons to indent twice.
We use 3 colons to indent 3 times, and so on.
: A colon (:) indents a line or paragraph.
A newline after that starts a new paragraph. <br>
This is often used for discussion on talk pages.
: We use 1 colon to indent once.
:: We use 2 colons to indent twice.
::: We use 3 colons to indent 3 times, and so on.

|- | You can make horizontal dividing lines (----) to separate text.

But you should usually use sections instead, so that they go in the table of contents.

You can make horizontal dividing lines (----)
to separate text.
But you should usually use sections instead,
so that they go in the table of contents.

|- |Sometimes you may need to reference or add supplementary notes to your sentences. We may use the ref or refun tag. Eg:
There are XX numbers of people in the world.<ref>The source is quoted from ...</ref>

Reference: <references/>

For details, see Wikipedia:Footnotes & Help:Footnotes.

Sometimes you may need to reference or add supplementary 
notes to your sentences.
We may use the ref or refun tag. Eg: <br>
There are XX numbers of people in the world.<ref>The 
source is quoted from ...</ref> <br>

Reference: <references/>

For details, see Wikipedia:Footnotes & Help:Footnotes.

|- | | |- | | |}