Last modified on 23 May 2012, at 04:53


Revision as of 04:53, 23 May 2012 by MacDeath (Talk | contribs) (Comments in article)

Sorry again for this stub... The fact is : was this "gryzor" page relating to the famous game, or to a famous scene member ? Maybe both... ---MacDeath. 2 oct 2009.

Ah yes, there should be a disambiguation redirect :D Gryzor 18:10, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

Gryzor said ...

A fantastic game, a fantastic arcade port, and this is a test comment.

--Gryzor 18:48, 21 January 2010 (CET)


Comments in article

The article contained the following comment:

"Note: The MSX version is a very respectable, modest port of Contra. It is NOT called Gryzor, it's actually CONTRA. So one can't compare that one to the CPC version. Second, this wiki doesn't need excessive amount of expressive and perceptive statements made by CPC fanboys. In other words, it doesn't need things like "Epic Fail" and "sweet CPC version". Whoever wrote that the MSX version of Contra is epic fail obviously uses little brains and instead flaunts his fanboy love for CPC. On a related note, what does have to say about the ZX Spectrum version?"

While there's merit to that (the article language should be more objective), Contra is, of course, the other name of Gryzor, and the MSX version is, of course, the same game more or less. And while gfx are better defined and sound is probably better, it's still not as good a game as the CPC version... Gryzor 20:21, 24 October 2010 (CEST)

"uses little brains and instead flaunts his fanboy love for CPC."of course, what else would you expect in a CPC-wiki.--MacDeath 08:53, 23 May 2012 (UTC)

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