Last modified on 12 November 2011, at 05:58

Flight Path 737

Revision as of 05:58, 12 November 2011 by Morn (Talk | contribs) (Weblinks)

Flight Path 737
Title Screen
Developer S.J. Dann
Publisher Anirog
Musician None
Release 1984
Platform(s) CPC, C64, Commodore Plus/4, MSX, ZX Spectrum
Genre Simulation (Flight)
Game Modes 1 Player
Controls Keyboard Joystick
Media disk Cassette
Language Language:english Language:french Language:spanish Language:german

An early civil flight simulation from Anirog that required you to pass a series of missions with ever increasing difficulty.


As the pilot of this high performance jet airliner you must take off from an airfield surrounded by high mountains and having climbed your aircraft safely over them, prepare yourself and the jet for a landing at an airfield in the valleys below.

When you first run this program you will be shown the Pilot's notes about the aircraft's performance. Study these for as long as you like, noting the stalling speed, taxi and take-off speeds, and all the controls.

When you're ready you will be asked to select a level of flying experience ranging from First Solo to Test Pilot. Start with the First Solo where the mountain range is not very high, and where you will not receive engine engine fires, crosswinds or other hazards, and where the aircraft can accept a fairly heavy landing.


Asking a trained pilot to run the rule over the game, Amstrad Computer User were of the opinion that as it was the machine's first flight simulator, it was well worth the asking price despite the unimaginative graphics and poor music.

Fast forward twelve months and the game is now failing to impress. Amstrad Action felt that trying to achieve perfection can be unnecessarily frustrating and pointed out a bizarre graphical glitch: the horizon doesn't tilt!

Amtix were unimpressed on the whole - complaining of limited sound and that "the graphics are only average, with some very unrealistic take off effects." Their overall opinion? Far below standard...

ACU: Issue 02 (Oct/Nov '84) Page 16 no mark
AA: Issue 01 (Oct '85) Page 88 47%
Amtix: Issue 02 (Dec '85) Page 30 35%





Prequels / Sequels




By the Same Author





Other Materials

