Last modified on 28 December 2010, at 16:07


Revision as of 16:07, 28 December 2010 by Istvanv (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "ep128emu is an open source (GPL), portable emulator of the Enterprise 64/128, ZX Spectrum 48/128, and CPC 464/664/6128 compu...")

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ep128emu is an open source (GPL), portable emulator of the Enterprise 64/128, ZX Spectrum 48/128, and CPC 464/664/6128 computers, written by Istvan Varga. It runs on Windows and Unix/Linux.


  • CPC RAM size can be 64, 128, 192, 320, or 576 KB, ROM is currently (version 2.0.9) limited to 16K+8*16K
  • the tape emulation supports .CDT/.TZX (read-only), audio (.WAV etc., read-write), and ep128emu specific 1-bit audio tape formats
  • up to 4 floppy drives, using standard or extended .DSK files, or the disk in the PC floppy drive (the latter is not actually useful for most CPC software, due to the incompatible format)
  • .SNA files (up to version 2) can be loaded, snapshot saving is only possible in ep128emu format
  • the emulator can use OpenGL video output, for improved performance or various effects (e.g. PAL emulation)
  • stereo audio output (up to 96 kHz), with high quality sample rate conversion, volume control, and some filters
  • configurable keyboard map (although Spectrum and CPC are mapped through the Enterprise layout), support for PC joysticks and gamepads
  • screenshots (.BMP format), audio (.WAV), video (.AVI, RLE8 and YV12 codecs only, uncompressed 48 kHz audio), and keyboard event ("demo" files) recording
  • powerful debugger/monitor, with support for Lua scripting (script code can be executed directly and/or at every breakpoint or every instruction in single step mode, can conditionally prevent the debugger window from being shown on breakpoints, has read/write access to Z80 registers, memory, I/O ports and the breakpoint list, and can read some internal state information)

Limitations (CPC related)

  • no external peripherals other than tape, floppy drive, and joysticks
  • limited ROM size, .CPR files are not supported
  • CRTC type cannot be changed, the CRTC emulation is probably not fully accurate yet (although most software does run correctly)
  • no read-write support for .CDT and .SNA formats

Web links

  • Project page at SourceForge (Windows/Linux) [1]