In telecommunications, RS-232 is a standard for serial binary data interconnection between a DTE (Data terminal equipment) and a DCE (Data communication equipment). It is commonly used in computer serial ports. RS is an abbreviation for "Recommended Standard".
RS232 Peripherals for the CPC
Standard Interfaces
Interfaces using same chipset and I/O ports as Amstrad's official serial interface:
- Amstrad Serial Interface (Amstrad)
- Panda Electronics Communications Interface Unit (dual RS232 plus 8bit printer port) (Panda Electronics Ltd)
- Spectre Comms Serial Interface (Spectre Communications)
- Vortex Disc Drives (disc drive/interface with optional RS232 port) (Vortex Computersysteme)
Non-Standard Interfaces
Interfaces that other chipset or other I/O ports as than Amstrad's official interface:
- Aleste 520EX (a CPC clone with built-in RS232, intended for serial mouse)
- AMSSIO (RS232 interface) (DIY)
- Cirkit serial interface (Cirkit)
- CPC Booster/CPC Booster+ (modern multifunction expansion, including RS232)
- CPCI RS232 Interface (DIY)
- KDS Serial Interface (KDS Electronics)
- Schneider RS232 Interface (Schneider)
- Simple RS232 for Printer usage (DIY) (one-directional, transmit only)
- Z80-SIO dual ports RS232 interface for CPC (French) (DIY)
Unidentified Interfaces
Interfaces where I/O ports and/or chipset are unknown:
- Cirkit twin-port serial interface (resold by Microstyle)
- Data Media Disc System (disc drive with built-in RS232 interface) (Data Media)
- RS-232 para Amstrad (MHT Ingenieros)
- SCA CPC Prolink (SCA)
- Dual RS232 (Timatic Systems)