Last modified on 1 May 2010, at 11:58

Amstrad part numbers

Revision as of 11:58, 1 May 2010 by Zigzac (Talk | contribs) (PCBs)

Custom Chips

Part    Description
40007   Gate-Array version 1 (20RA043) (used in CPC464; with heat sink, other pin-outs than 40008/40010)
40008   Gate-Array version 2 (HSG3130) (rare version) (same pin-outs as 40010)
40009   32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC464 (English)
40010   Gate-Array version 3 (HSG3170) (used in newer CPC464 and in CPC664/6128; no heat sink)
40015   16K ROM; AMSDOS for CPC664/CPC6128 and DDI-1 disc interface
40022   32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC664 (English)
40025   32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC6128 (English)
40026   PCW8xxx printer controller ASIC
40028   PCW8xxx/9xxx main ASIC
40031   16L8 PAL; Ram management CPC6128
40036   CPU and ROM (IC UOD7811G) (for DMP2000 Printer)
40037   32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC464 and Late-CPC472-models (Spanish)
40038   32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC6128 (Spanish)
40050   32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC464 (French)
40051   32K ROM; BIOS and BASIC for CPC6128 (French)
40054   32K ROM; Spectrum +2
40058   Spectrum +2 ASIC
40077   Spectrum +3 ASIC
40087   PCW9xxx printer controller ASIC
40092   Spectrum +3 ROM 1 (English)
40093   Spectrum +3 ROM 2 (English)
40120   PCW9xxx parallel printer controller ASIC
40226   CPC464/CPC6128 "cost-down" ASIC (ARN4) (combines Gate Array, PAL, CRTC, and some small FDC/DRAM/RESET logic)
40464   CPC+ Triple 4bit DAC (for RGB video)
40489   CPC+ ASIC
40908   CPC+ cartridge protection chip ("ACID")
41088-1 CPC+ 27C1001 EPROM in GX 4000 version of Burnin' Rubber (130Z001)
41090-1 CPC+ 27C1001 EPROM in French System Cartridge (CPC+ BIOS/BASIC, AMSDOS v2, Burnin' Rubber) (130Z001)
41091-1 CPC+ 27C1001 EPROM in Spanish System Cartridge (CPC+ BIOS/BASIC, AMSDOS v2, Burnin' Rubber) (130Z001)


Part    Description
30001   P.C.B. 3" Disc drive
30002   P.C.B. 3" Disc drive
270100  P.C.B. CPC464 version 1 (one variant) (1983)
Z70100  P.C.B. CPC464 version 1 (another variant) (1983)
Z70101  P.C.B. CPC464 version 1 keyboard with soldered wires
Z70102  P.C.B. CPC464 version 1 keyboard with 20 pin connector (only 19 pins used)
Z70102  P.C.B. CPC464 cassette sub-board (This pcb share part number with the keyboard assembly !)
Z70200  P.C.B. CPC464 version 2
Z70205  P.C.B. CPC664 
Z70210  P.C.B. CPC6128 version 1 (1985)
Z70211  CPC464 Keyboard Assembly (English) (ribbon cable connectors)
Z70215  P.C.B. CTM644 colour monitor main
Z70216  P.C.B. CTM644 colour monitor brightness control
Z70217  P.C.B. CTM644 colour monitor cathode ray tube
Z70221  CPC6128 Keyboard Assembly (English) (ribbon cable connectors)
Z70290  P.C.B. CPC6128 version 2, MC0020x (1985) (one variant)
Z70290  P.C.B. CPC6128 version 2, MC0023x (1985) (german variant)
Z70291  P.C.B. PCW8256/8512 (1985)
Z70311  CPC6128 Keyboard Assembly (French) (ribbon cable connectors)
Z70312  P.C.B. 3" Disc Drive
Z70313  P.C.B. 3" Disc Drive
Z70341  P.C.B. 3" Disc Drive
Z70374  P.C.B. CPC464 version 3 (one variant)
Z70375  P.C.B. CPC464 version 3 (another variant)
Z70378  P.C.B. CPC464 version 3 (german variant)
Z70500  P.C.B. Spectrum+2 issue 3
Z70800  P.C.B. PCW9512 (1987)
Z70830  P.C.B. Spectrum+3 issue 2 (1987)
Z70833  P.C.B. Spectrum+2 issue 4
Z80264  P.C.B. 3" disc drive
Z80329  P.C.B. CPC464 version 4 (1988)
Z80330  P.C.B. CPC6128 version 3 (1988)
Z90903          P.C.B. CPC+ Cartridge (custom LKs) (1990)
2700-016P-3     P.C.B. 464+/6128+ Mainboard (1990)
2700-017P-4     P.C.B. GX4000 Mainboard (1990)
2700-023P-1     P.C.B. CPC+ Cartridge (hardwired LKs) (1990)
PCB101/MF0004B  P.C.B. DDI-1 Interface
PCB501/MF0003B  P.C.B. FD-1 Power Supply (AC)
PCB502/MF0001A  P.C.B. FD-1 Power Supply (DC)
PCB504/MF0002A  P.C.B. FD-1 Relay Board
MS0043A         P.C.B. CPC472 Daughterboard

Note that some numbers start with 27 instead of Z7 (the boards are really labeled like so, this is not a typo).

See also

Contributors: Gérald Vincent