Schematics and Chipset for Aleste 520EX
Schematics (edited, with corresponding western part numbers)
For reference, the original unedited schematics are here: Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3, Sheet 4, and Component Map
Translation PROMs and EPROMs
- Aleste Translation PROMs and EPROMs - description of the numbers in the look-up PROMs/EPROMs
Aleste Chipset
Main Chipset
pcs russian western description location 1 Z80A CPU Z80A CPU (D30=sheet2) 1 UM6845 6845 CRTC (D25=sheet2) 1 AY-3-8910 AY3-8910 PSG, Dual I/O (D18=sheet2) (with TWO I/O ports, unlike as in CPC) 4 KR1802IR1 ? RAM 16x4 (D60,D61=sheet2=palette, D62,D63=sheet4=keyboard) 1 KR1810WG72 uPD765 FDC (D70=sheet3) 1 KR580WI53 8253 baudrate timer (D33=sheet4) 1 KR580WW51A 8251(A?) usart/mouse (D34=sheet2) 1 KR580WW55A 8255 PPI (D17=sheet2) 1 KR512WI1 MC146818 RTC (D19=sheet2) 16 K565RU7K HM50256 DRAM 256Kx1 (D1..D16=sheet3) (512Kbyte) 1 K573RF4 27512 EPROM 64Kx8 (D31=sheet2) (BIOS/BASIC/BOOT/AMSDOS) 2 K573RF2 2764 EPROM 2Kx8 (D62=COLDAT=sheet1, D65=VDKEY=sheet1) 1 K155RE3 27S18 PROM 32x8 OC (D69="Af"=sheet3=floppy) 2 (KR)556RT4 27S20 PROM 256x4 OC (D28="M"=MAP14..MAP17=sheet2, D67="R"=ROMEN/RAMEN etc.=sheet1)
Further Chips
pcs russian western description location 1 K170AP2 SN75150 rs232 dual line driver (D86=sheet4) 1 K555AP6 74LS245 8bit 3state tranceiver (D89=sheet3) 2 K555ID4 74LS155 2x2bit decoder/demult (D54=sheet1, D74=sheet3) 1 K555ID10 74LS145 bcd demultiplexer (D80=sheet4) 1 K555IE5 74LS93 4bit (1bit+3bit) counter (D72=sheet3) 1 K555IE10 74LS161 4bit counter (D37=sheet1) 4 K555IR11A 74LS194 4bit shift register (D39,D49=sheet1, D50,D51=sheet2) 4 K555IR22 74LS373 8bit 3state latch (D45,D46,D47,D48=sheet1) (RAM 16bit-to-8bit cpu/vram bus) 2 K555IR23 74LS374 8bit 3state flipflop (D58=sheet3, D84=sheet4) 2 K555IR32 74LS170 4x4bit register file OC (D87,D88=sheet2) 6 K555KP2 74LS153 2x 4vstup. multiplexer (D20,D21,D22,D23,D52,D53=sheet2) 2 K555KP7 74LS151 8bit multiplexer (D24=sheet2,D81=sheet4) 1 K555KP11 74LS257 8-to-4 data selector (D38=sheet1) (clock select) 1 K555KP12 74LS253 8-to-2 data selector (D26=sheet3) 3 K555LA3 74LS00 Quad NAND gates (D78=sheet4, D41=sheet1+2+4, D75=sheet1+3+4) 1 K555LE1 74LS02 Quad NOR gates (D43=sheet1) 2 K555LI1 74LS08 Quad AND gates (D35=sheet1+2,D85=sheet1+3) 2 K555LL1 74LS32 Quad OR gates (D29=sheet1+2,D44=sheet1) 3 K555LN1 74LS04 Hex inverters (D36=sheet1, D73=sheet3, D42=sheet1+2+4) 1 K555LN2 74LS05 Hex inverters, OC (D76=sheet3) 5 K555TM2 74LS74 Dual flipflop (D40,D77,D66,D57=sheet1, D71=sheet3) 6 K555TM9 74LS174 6bit flipflop (D32,D55,D56=sheet1, D59=sheet2, D68=sheet3, D79=sheet4) 2 K561IE10 MC14520B dual up binary counter (D63,D64=sheet1)
Chipset Notes
- The part numbers printed on the chips may look like "KPxxx" (cyrillic) instead of "KRxxx" (latin).
- As mentioned at chipdir, KR1802IR1 is similar to AM29705, but NOT the same (the AM29705 has four additional data pins).