Soundtrakker (Musizier mit mir) from New Age Software was programmed by BSC and was one of the most used music tools on the CPC.
There where three version released:
- Soundtrakker 1.0
- Soundtrakker 1.1
- Soundtrakker 128K
For Weeske there was also a specialized Version of Soundtrakker 1.0 with an extra Intro with the Weeske-Logo and a modified manual.
Soundtrakker 1.x and Soundtrakker 128K are different in more aspects than just the amount of memory that is available. ST-128K is a improvement of ST-1.x, introducing for example additional effects. That's why a new extension (.128 instead of .sng) was introduced for the files that were created using ST-128K. The 1.x Soundtrakkers are unable to read the .128 tunes, while ST-128K is still able to read the .sng files.
Under some circumstances ST-128K is not compatible with ST-1.x tunes. When using very short patterns in an ST-1.x song, the song can be messed up in ST-128K.
- Amstrad Action, issue #92 (May 1993): 93%