Philips/Mullard/Signetics MEA8000 Speech Chip
Status Register (R)
7 REQ Data Request (0=Busy, 1=Data Request) 6-0 N/A Not used
Data Register (W) (A0=0)
If the device is in STOP mode, then first data byte must be the 8bit pitch:
7-0 PITCH Starting Pitch (8bit) (sawtooth) (don't care for noise)
thereafter, 32bit Speech Frame(s) can be written:
31-30 BW1 2bit Bandwidth is? 1st formant 29-28 BW2 2bit Bandwidth of 2nd formant bandwidth "4 KH" 27-26 BW3 2bit Bandwidth of 3rd formant 25-24 BW4 2bit Bandwidth of 4th formant N/A FM4 0bit Frequency of 4th formant (fixed at 3500 Hz) 23-21 FM3 3bit Frequency of 3rd formant 20-16 FM2 5bit Frequency of 2nd formant resonance frequency 15-11 FM1 5bit Frequency of 1st formant 10-7 AMPL 4bit Amplitude (volume) 6-5 FD 2bit Frame Duration (8,16,32,64 ms) 4-0 PI 5bit Pitch Increment (signed?) (?=Noise)
the 32bit parameter is split into 4bytes (starting with bit31-24). wait for REQ=1 before sending further speech frame(s).
Command Register (W) (A0=1)
7-5 N/A Not used 4 STOP Stop (0=No change, 1=Force Instant Stop) 3-2 CONT Continue (0=No change, 1=No change, 2=Slow Stop, 3=Continue) 1-0 ROE /REQ Output (0=No change, 1=No change, 2=Disable, 3=Enable)
- STOP Mode: Output is silent, REQ is set, next write to Data register will be treated as 8bit Starting Pitch value, to be followed by the 32bit Speech Frame data, thereafter sound output will start (and the device is no longer in STOP Mode).
After completing a speech frame (which takes 8..64 ms), the CPU can output another speech frame (by writing another 32bit to the data register), if the CPU doesn't supply new data then Slow Stop or Continue will occur (as selected in the Command Register).
- SLOW STOP Mode: After completing the last speech frame, the last frame will be repeated once (with decaying amplitude & same pitch), thereafter, STOP mode is entered.
- CONTINUE Mode: The last speech frame will be repeated indefinetly (until a new 32bit data has been supplyied, or until SLOW STOP mode is selected, or until INSTANT STOP os forced).
MEA8000 Pinouts
1-GND 4-D6 7-D3 10-D0 13-VCC 16-OSC IN 19-REF 22-/RD 2-/REQ 5-D5 8-D2 11-A0 14-/REQEN 17-OSC OUT 20-OUT 23-/WR 3-D7 6-D4 9-D1 12-/CE 15-NC 18-CLK IN 21-CLK OUT 24-TEST