Last modified on 12 August 2006, at 09:22


Revision as of 09:22, 12 August 2006 by PulkoMandy (Talk | contribs)

Hello! Thus is the discussion page. Thought it'd be useful to have something of the sort. Just enter your comments or suggestions, but it'd be good to insert a horizontal line (see the edit buttons) before starting a new comment. And you can reply to comments by using a ':' or '::' or ':::' the deeper you go...

There is a little problem with the pages linked only in the sidebar: they only appear on the default mediawiki theme... There is a list here: special:lonelypages Link them from somewhere else :)

Ah yes, you're right and I have noticed it myself - though I don't know why anyone would use some other theme, I think this is the best by far :D Anyhow, I'm just waiting to move servers, when this is done I'll look after such details... thanks for pointing out!!! Gryzor 10:03, 28 July 2006 (CDT)
There is still 14 orphaned pages... and i prefer using another theme because i use a browser without css support... And what is the difference between Apps and Utilities ?
You are right, I will move the Utilities to the Apps and mark them to be deleted! --Octoate 10:13, 11 August 2006 (CEST)

There are missing templates listed at the end of the missing pages list... maybe adding them would help if we want the games infobox to work... --PulkoMandy 15:22, 12 August 2006 (CEST)