Last modified on 28 August 2008, at 04:05

Amstrad Micro Guide

Revision as of 04:05, 28 August 2008 by CPCLER (Talk | contribs) (Contents)


A Quick Reference Guide to the BASIC AND SYSTEM OPERATIONS of the Amstrad.


Title: Amstrad Micro Guide
Authors: Prof. Peter Morse, Brian Hancock
Publiser: Century Communications LTD.
Year: 1986
Pages: 27


Amstrad Micro Guide - Preface

1. Conventions and terms used

2. Control keys

3. Operating system commands

4. Arithmetic and Logic operations

5. BASIC numeric functions

6. BASIC string functions

7. Graphics commands

8. Sound commands

9. General AMSDOS commands

10. AMSDOS and BASIC file commands

11. CP/M commands

12. Error messages

13. Memory map

14. List of Amstrad keywords


The Century Microguide to the Amstrad is a conveniently sized, clearly laid out, quick reference guide for the busy Amstrad owner. lt comprehensively summarizes all the essential information needed by the Amstrad enthusiast and includes:

  • Special Keyboard Features
  • Alphabetic Quick Reference
  • Locomotive BASIC Commands
  • Sound, Graphics, Text and Colour
  • Numeric, Trigonometric and String Functions
  • Input/Output Functions
  • Arithmetic and Logic Operations
  • File Handling Commands
  • Indirection Operators
  • Memory Maps
  • Error Handling, Codes and Messages
  • Operating System Commands
  • Disc System Commands

Each command is illustrated with simple examples to show how it is used in context and there are practical hints throughout the book.

Scanned pages - Contents