Here are the informations presented on the official website :
SjASMPlus is Z80 Assembly Language Cross Compiler. It is available for Win32, DOS and FreeBSD(mainly 5.x) systems. It is based on SjASM source code by Sjoerd Mastijn - SJASMPlus is a really powerfull Z80 Cross Compiler.
- Z80/R800 documented and undocumented opcodes support
- 3-pass design
- Built-in Lua scripting engine
- Very fast compilation: 1 million lines by 2-3 seconds on modern computer
- Code inlining through colon (LD A,C:INC A:PUSH AF:IFDEF FX:LD A,D:ENDIF…)
- Structures to define data structures in memory more easily (use STRUCT pseudo-op)
- Conditional assembly
- Macro definitions
- Local labels
- User’s messages
- Temporary labels
- Special modes for 8bit computers:
- ZX-Spectrum 48/128, Scorpion 256, ATM-Turbo 512
- Defines and array of defines
- Fake instructions as LD HL,DE (LD H,D:LD L,E)
- Source and binary file inclusion
- Multiline block comments
- Multi file output and file updating
- Official Web site :