Last modified on 5 August 2024, at 18:40

Amstrad Toolkit

Revision as of 18:40, 5 August 2024 by Cormacj (Talk | contribs)


Amstrad Toolkit is a utility ROM written by Bee Bug Soft.

Its goal is to make a better development environment for BASIC programming.

ROM Details

Rom Details:

Rom type:	 Background
Version:	 1.40
Rom Name:	 TOOLKIT  


Command Description
TOOLS Calls up a menu of the various commands available.
PACK Reduce the memory footprint of a basic file by removing REMs, shortening variable names, tidying up spaces and combining code
XREF Search your basic file for variables, arrays, functions etc
LIST List a basic file from disk. LIST,<filename>,<<start line>>,<<end line>>
PRON Redirect screen output to printer
PROFF Disable screen redirection to printer.
PARTSAVE Save part of your BASIC file to a new file. PARTSAVE,<filename>,<<start line>>,<<end line>>
ROM List ROMS installed on your system
HELP Displays a usage menu
FREE Displays a lot of information about memory usage.
BMOVE Changes the starting memory location of your BASIC program. BMOVE,<address>
START Changes the start location of a program. This allows for several basic files to be in memory at once, eg |start,&1000:load "prog1.bas":|start,&2000:load "prog2.bas"Insert non-formatted text here. You can now swap between the two programs using |start. START,<address>
KEY List programmed function keys. KEY,<<first key>>,<<last key>>
RENUM Renumber the current basic file. RENUM,<<new start line>>,<<old start line>>,<<increment>>,<<old end line>>
SEARCH SEARCH,<search string>,<<start line>>,<<end line>>
REPLACE REPLACE,<search string>,<replace string>,<<start line>>,<<end line>>
LMOVE Move lines of code from one location to another. LMOVE,<start line>,<end line>,<new start line>
TRON Enable a trace. This displays the currently executing line in brackets at the top of the screen.TRON,<<start line>>,<<end line>>,<<X coordinate>>,<<Y coordinate>>
TROFF Disable tracking.
LCOPY Copy serveral lines of basic from one place to another in code, renumbering if needed.LCOPY,<start line>,<end line>,<new start line>
EMEM Edit memory. EMEM,<address>,<<rom number>>
PMEM Just print memory. PMEM,<start address>,<<end address>>,<<rom number>>
KEYDEF KEYDEF,<<first key>>,<<last key>>
RSX List any RSXes that are in memory.
FORMAT Format a disk.
RESET Resets characters and graphics back to default. Useful if something corrupted your screen.
