Current Sources Of Software

Revision as of 09:16, 20 December 2022 by Zhulien (Talk | contribs) (Games Currently Available)

This page is not to refer you to pirated or abandoned software, but rather point you to sources that you can still obtain new or old physical or digital software legally.

The Amstrad CPC community is fairly strong almost 40 years since the CPC was first release with dozens of games released yearly. Some of these are commercial releases and this page should hopefully point you to the publishers websites and/or online stores that sell these games. Everyone knows the benefits of buying software when you can, and in smaller markets such as the CPC one - supporting the few remaining publishers is even more important.

Of course not every game author releases their games commercially, some are freely available and some are released as part of a competition that has been ongoing for several years called CPCRetroDev.

Games Currently Available

Title Media Where Available
Anima Tape Matra
8BP Collection Vol 1 Tape Matra
8BP Collection Vol 2 Tape Matra
Balloonacy Tape Cronosoft
Brick Rick 3" Poly Play
Buccaneers 3" Matra
Chibi Akuma's 3" or 3.5" Poly Play
Chronicles of Nanako Tape Bitmap Soft
CPC Jewels Tape Matra
CPC RetroDev 2017 Tape Matra
CPC RetroDev 2018 Tape Matra
CPC RetroDev 2019 Tape Matra
CPC RetroDev 2020 Tape Matra
CPC Soccer Game of Champions Tape Bitmap Soft
Crazy Blaster Tape The Future Was 8bit
Curse of Rabenstein 3"/MicroSD Poly Play
Dawn of Kernel, The 3"/MicroSD or 3.5/MicroSD or Tape/MicroSD Poly Play
Dead on Time Tape Psytronic
Deeper Warrens Tape Phoenix Ware
Doomsday Lost Echos 3"/MicroSD Poly Play
Duck Out Tape Matra
Eridu Tape AUA
Galactic Tomb Tape Bitmap Soft
Golden Tail 3" or 3.5" or Tape Poly Play
Hybernated 1 3"/MicroSD or 3.5"/MicroSD or Tape/MicroSD Poly Play
Justin Tape Matra
Kitsune's Curse 3" or 3.5" or Tape Poly Play
Magica 3" or Tape Poly Play
Mandarin, The Tape Cronosoft
Pentomino 3"/MicroSD or 3.5"/MicroSD or Tape or Tape/MicroSD Poly Play 3rd Anniversary Compilation - Limited Edition Tape Poly Play
Queen's Footsteps 3"/MicroSD Poly Play
Red Sunset 3" Bitmap Soft
Relentless Tape Psytronic
Rodman Special Edition Tape The Future Was 8bit
Silk Dust 3"/3.5"/Tape/MicroSD Poly Play
Sir Ababol NES OM Edition Tape Phoenix Ware
Shovel Adventure Tape Matra
Smirking Horror, The Tape Cronosoft
Star Sabre Tape Psytronic
Stranded Tape Cronosoft
Sub Hunter Tape Psytronic
Sudoku Tape Cronosoft
Throne Legacy 3" Bitmap Soft
Totems Tape Bitmap Soft

Current Publishers

Other Sources of Physical Games

Below are other good sources of Amstrad CPC games.

Sell My Retro
Japster's Retro Cavern