Last modified on 10 December 2017, at 19:21


Revision as of 19:21, 10 December 2017 by MacDeath (Talk | contribs)

Cpc collection 1.jpg


Obvious Troll at every Amstrad related forums or parties he can get to.

Still possess his good old CPC6128 Qwerty from 1985-86.

Once found a 6128PLUS and a CPC6128 at the municipal wastes, despite those being in (almost) perfect state. This motivated a renewed CPC passion.

Sometimes pretends to create or just recolour some CPC graphics with a modern PC.

Went on a crusade to expose Speccy Ports (redesigns, levels maps, mock ups and spams in forums) as a personal revenge from the day he purchased Black Tiger or when a "friend" laughed as R-Type was so better on his Speccy +2... Bastard bitch !

Is trying to contribute to the CPCwiki and Amstrad scene in general, despite often badly.


Actual owner of :

  • 2-3 Amstrad 6128Plus.
  • 2-3 Amstrad CPC6128.
  • MP-2F Scart adaptator and various monitors, modern expansion cards and so on.
  • Thomson TO8 + Disk Drive + Monitor.
  • Er, also a Spectrum +2... well it is an Amstrad too, sort of...
  • Various Atari ST/STE, Amiga500, Amiga600 and stuff like that.

Actual Productions

In Game tiles and sprites corrections.

  • 2012 :The Drive Belt Exorcism Ritual

Graphic composition for the Amstrad PLUS, 192x272x16 mode 0 resolution. Ranked #4 at the ReSet#8 demoparty

MacDeath Compo wide.png

Link to download the DSK

Did some extra graphics and boobs. Maria 2.png

  • 2015 : Bubbles Of The Mind

Fullscreen (somewhat) Mode1 graphic page produced and released at ReSet#20. Ranked 5th.

Twitch Live and Youtube Channel

Performs some Lives via Twitch then Youtube at chatroom.

Parties attended

Mocking the world up

  • PacMania mock-up

Recolored pacmania1.png

  • Black Tiger Mock Up...seriously, not that hard to get a CPC 2009...

Black tiger redone 11 CPC mode1.png
