Last modified on 11 December 2017, at 17:42


Revision as of 17:42, 11 December 2017 by MacDeath (Talk | contribs)

RASM stand for Roudoudou AsSeMbler.

Unlike conventionnal Z80 assembler, RASM is very fast and able to handle huge projects.

Released in february 2017, the project is still active


  • damn fast assembling.
  • integrated crunched sections (LZ48/LZ49/LZ4/ZX7/Exomizer) and load&crunch on the fly.
  • cartridge & snapshot generation, file output with optionnal AMSDOS header.
  • ORG checking, unlimited memory workspaces where labels are shared.
  • ALL undocumented instructions.
  • conditionnal macro, unlimited & embeded loops with local labels, switch/case.
  • floating point engine, mathematical functions.
  • MAXAM compatibility option.
  • English & French documentation.

Links & download