
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

23 bytes added, 16:43, 19 February 2017
/* About CP/M USER areas. */
'''The DRI PIP manual says:'''
[QUOTE]  To copy files into another user area, PIP.COM must be located in that user area. Use the following procedure to make a copy of PIP.COM in another user area (in this example, USER 3). USER 0 Log in user 0. DDT PIP.COM (note PIP size s) Load PIP to memory. G0 Return to CCP. USER 3 Log in user 3. SAVE s PIP.COM In this procedure, s is the integral number of memory pages, 256- byte segments, occupied by PIP. The number s can be determined when PIP.COM is loaded under DDT, by referring to the value under the NEXT display. If, for example, the next available address is 1D00, then PIP.COM requires 1C hexadecimal pages, or 1 times 16 + 12 = 28 pages, and the value of s is 28 in the subsequent save. Once PIP is copied in this manner, it can be copied to another disk belonging to the same user number through normal PIP transfers. [END QUOTE]
You can now change user or drive as many times as you like, and drop a copy