
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

1,007 bytes added, 08:27, 15 February 2017
== Putting it all together ==
Here is a table summarising your options for connecting a uIDE device to your computer.
[[File:UIDE connection options.JPG|500px||left|]]
Choose one option from each column. Some guidance notes:
* Direct connection (between the host adapter and uIDE device) means soldering the Z80 bus header pins on each board directly together. Note, some combinations may prevent this, or may require odd orientation of the two cards.
* The IDE device can plug directly into the uIDE board. Angled IDC connectors are recommended when building the board.
* A DOM is recommended as it is the only device I have tested the uIDE prototype with. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that specific Compact Flash cards will be compatible but if you let me know what works and what doesn't we can build a compatibility list on this page.
== Prices ==
* Amstrad.ES Forum member "JonB"
As I am a hobbyist, not a big business, I need to make a few things clear. You may are free use these designs for personal or commercial purposes, on the condition that you following conditions:* You do not attempt to take credit for the work I have put into designing and / or building any device offered here.* You acknowledge my right to assert copyright and ownership of these designs, where prior art is unproven.* You agree to indemnify me and the CPCWiki web site against damage to your computer or other connected hardware or data contained on any attached media.* All work is undertaken at your own risk. I am not liable for any hardware damage or data loss, loss of your homework, your dog getting sick, etc.* These designs are supplied as-is and there is no warranty that they are fit for any particular purpose.* Your agreement to these conditions is implicit on ordering any of these devices from me.
The That said, I will of course support your use of these designs are supplied as-is via the appropriate forum by offering help and there is no warranty that they are fit for any particular purposeadvice as necessary.