
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

653 bytes added, 18:28, 8 February 2017
[[File:uIDE_0.4_PCB.JPG|200px|thumb|right|uIDE 8]]
[[File:uIDE 16 v0.1.JPG|250px|thumb|right|uIDE 16]]
== About the uIDE 16 project ==The uIDE concept is not terribly new (search for GIDE). The idea was to produce a '''uIDE 16low cost''' IDE adapter, suitable for connecting to Z-80 computers via a shim board that fits between a (socketed) Z-80 and its main board socket. From the shim, a 40 way IDC cable is connected to the uIDE adapter board, then a universal Z80 IDE CF card that can be configured for use on any Z80 microcomputer such as or DOM plugs into the CPC range other end of computersthe uIDE. It Once the hardware is called "installed, drivers need to be written and installed (see below). uIDE-16cards are "universal" because it decodes all 16 their I/O address bus lines to provide access to the IDE ATA registers as is required by fully configurable via a row of 2 position jumpers on the CPC6128 machinesboard.
There '''uIDE 16''' is a similar design universal Z80 IDE card that can be configured for use on any Z-80 microcomputer such as the CPC range of computers. It is called "uIDE-16" because it decodes all 16 address bus lines to provide access to the IDE ATA registers as is required by the Amstrad CPC machines. '''uIDE-8''' is a similar design that just decodes the low 8 bits of the Z-80 adddress bus, and this can be used on the PCW and other Z80 machines. uIDE-16 has an a user-configurable 8-bit mode that allows it to work with 8-bit addressed I/O as well. However, uIDE-8 is slightly smaller and cheaper than uIDE-16.
== Project status ==