
Speccy Port

710 bytes added, 06:30, 14 April 2011
/* Technics used */
=Technics used=
===Real-Time Convertion of 1bpp graphics===
A common way to get the Speccy game running on a CPC was to get some routine to convert the existing 1bpp GraphicDatas (Tiles and sprites in equivalent to Mode2 on CPC) into 2bpp datas (proper Mode1) when put into the video RAM.
*Black tiger is such an infamous case.
Those games had one advantage : the smooth movement of sprites.
===Masked Backgrounds===
**and masked elements such as... Doors, platforms... which are 3 colours only.
===Unmasked gaes games and CPC colour clashes===
Such a shame... the laziest amongst the worst and the Bad.
*Bionic Commando : need I say more ?
*Enduro Racer : a turn based racing game ?
===Atrribute based Sprites and animation===
Such games had no smooth movement of sprites. You moved the sprite "character per character".
As such the sprites are unmasked, being not really more than tiles...
This was a "good" other way to get rid of Attributes Clashes and having actual "colours" on ZX Spectrum. But some speccy ports were then emulating the attribute system... which can be quite bad because CPC in Mode1 has Half colours the Speccy has.
So on CPC... this was often not ported that properly.
Such technic was actually used for quite a good amount of Mode0 games...
*AMC (astro Marines corps)